With sadness we inform you of the passing of the known philanthropist Reb Berel Weiss OBM of Californian at the age of 85.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Reb Berel Weiss OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of the known philanthropist Reb Berel Weiss OBM of Californian at the age of 85.

Reb Berel was born in Hungary and arrived in the United States and settled in Los Angeles after the Holocaust. He became close to Chabad through the famous Chabad Shliach Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Reitchik. He became very connected to the Rebbe, and merited many special kiruvim as well as supporting Chabad institutions for many years.

His wife Miriam OBM passed away a few months ago and he is survived by his daughter Chanie Levitin, Shlucha in Seattle Washington and sons Yona Mordechai, a business owner in Los Angeles, and Rabbi Moshe Aharon Tzvi, Sliach in Sherman Oaks, CA. He is also survived by his brother Aron Weiss of Los Angeles.

The Levaya will take place today, Tuesday and will be leaving at 2:00pm from Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad, 7215 Waring Ave in Los Angeles. He will be buried at Mount Carmel Cemetery, 6506 E. Gage Ave., Commerce, CA 90040.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Berel Weiss (Standing far right) at a farbrengen. Photo: Lubavitch Archives
At a Yud Shvat Farbrengen in LA.


  • Just thinking

    I think that the first picture is not of Reb Berel, but of Mr. Elberg. Just my impression. Check it out

    Besides, this picture looks like from 1990 and by then Reb Berel had a beard

  • JJ Klapholtz

    BDE!! Not sure why it hasn’t been mentioned but Reb Berel OBM as he was known to us Angelenos was an amazing Talmid Chochom in Shas, Poskim, Halacha, Chassidus and Kabbola… basically Kol HaTorah Kulo!! If there was ever a ‘Shas Yid’ it was Reb Berel. Rarely would you ever see him without a Sefer open in front of him. Mamish Chaval Al D’Avdin!!

  • Mitzvah Lefarsem Oisei Mitzvah (Rashbo)

    I agree with #2, Also if you ever been at his main office it is completely full of Seforim book cases from the floor to the ceiling Reb Berel would seat by his desk full of seforim and learn,
    The way he gave Tzedakah should be set as an example for others whom are capable of giving,

  • Comment # 4

    agree with # 1 & 4. Yes they r both not Pics of Reb Berel we all know how he looked without & a beard & that is not him all the way. Its a little funny that when were putting pics of som1 who is in the next world, that its not even him, yes we know its a mistake put it puts some simcha in2 the most darkest times. Even when in a time of Aveilus Simcha is still needed.

  • lubavithch

    picture number 1 is reb berel, and it is not from the 1990, its from the mid 70s and apparently both of you have no idea what he looked like without a beard

  • Mendy Hecht

    I grew up in California and I remember him from when I was a young bochur. He was very involved in everything. Reb Berel was a fabulously wealthy man who gave staggering amounts of tzedakah to all of Klal Yisroel. May he be a meilitz yosher for all of us, and may his millions of mitzvos now stand him in good stead.

  • mendel

    its absolutely him…A”H

    I have known him for 35 + years AND that was his Makom Kovua!

  • Someone who will miss him.

    An Ish Hachesed Kipshuto a giant Baal Tzedakah, a true Oisek Btzorchei Tzibur, a warm lively and bright Chasid.

    To his family Shyichyu Hamokom Yinachem…. Vihokitzu……

    Your father, Zaideh, and Elter Zaideh was a true great man.

  • rechel

    BDE picture no. 1 is definitely of the late Berele Weiss as I knew him when he came to visit us in Amsterdam as my father’s obm best friend since the war.

  • BDH

    The whole weiss family are true tzaddikim! that picture is definetely reb berel! i know him well and he is definetely in that picture!

  • picture of berel

    Berel is in the right hand corner of the picture, probably taken during the 70’s at a farbrengen – we was without the beard – but he was a true tzadik none-the-less

  • get your facts straight

    let’s clarify: picture no.1 is of Motzei Simchas Torah 5728-1968 right before kos shel bracha. that is most definitely reb berel weiss obm and yes, in 1968 he DID NOT have a beard