Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Mrs. Sara Bluma Stern OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Sara Bluma bas Yechiel Mordechai Hacohen Stern OBM, wife of R. Chaim OBM.

She is survived by her children Ruth Pand (Jerusalem), Rina Boyvier (Jerusalem), R. Shmuel Stern (Rechovot), and R. Mordechai Stern (Crown Heights).

The levaya will take place today in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Mordechai Stern will be sitting Shivah at his residence 736 Montgomery St. Brooklyn NY. Email address for nichumim:

Boruch Dayan Hoemes


  • sbg sydney australia

    Hamokom Ynacheim eschem b’soich shharei tzion v’Yerusholaim we should hear simchas only
    SBG sydney Australia