It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the tragic news of the untimely passing of a young Shlucha, Esther Aidel (Esty) (nee Rubin) Cohen at the young age of 33.
Esty is a Shlucha in Manchester, England together with her husband Menachem, and their 6 kids; Moishe (10), Mushka (9), Rivka (7), Chana (4), Yechiel (2) and a six week old newborn Chaim Tzvi, where together they direct Beis Menachem Manchester Chabad House.
TRAGEDY: Shlucha, 33, Passes Away
It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the tragic news of the untimely passing of a young Shlucha, Esther Aidel (Esty) (nee Rubin) Cohen at the young age of 33.
Esty is a Shlucha in Manchester, England together with her husband Menachem, and their 6 kids; Moishe (10), Mushka (9), Rivka (7), Chana (4), Yechiel (2) and a six week old newborn Chaim Tzvi, where together they direct Beis Menachem Manchester Chabad House.
The levaya will take place Monday in Manchester.
The family will be sitting Shiva as follows:
Her husband Rabbi Mendel Cohen, and parents Rabbi Yisroel & Rochel Rubin – at 20 Rutland Drive in Manchester. They can be reached at 011-44-161-478-8942, and the email below.
The other siblings are sitting Shiva at 122 S. Main Ave in Albany, NY. They can be reached at (518) 482-5781, or (518) 526-0770, and the email below.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
baruch dayan haemes, poor yesomim
They have a newborn too. bde – what a tragedy.
Hashem yishmar!
Her husband’s name is Mendel and the sixth child is Avraham Tzvi, 6 weeks old.
Hashem Yerachem
they also have a month old newborn.
Boruch dayan Emes
Ad Mosai???
Dear Mendel,the kids and parents(in law),
Hamokum Yenachem Eschem Besoich Avlay Tzion veYerushalayim.
Andrea Schonberger
What a tragedy! Leaving a new-born motherles–I can’t think of anything worse for that helpless infant. May Hashem see them through these dark days.
sad friend....
what a tragedy. Knew her, knew the family so well. They dont deserve this pain.
fellow shlucha
Boruch Dayan Hoemes! Rebbe, help us!
WHY, Hashem?
So sad: A newborn baby looses its mother, as well as our entire family of shluchim and shluchos are loosing a sister.
Ad Mosai!
Truly heart broken!
I am so sorry for you I lost my mother a few months ago at 49 and I just can’t stop crying for you and your unbeilvably tragic lose my mother was also a shlucha and mother of 6 I can’t understand what hashem is thinking taking young shluchos from their families and communites all I can do is tell you that I truly feel heart break for you although I don’t know you I know how its gurts and hope that you have the srength to cope and truck through the pain,Boruch Dayin Haemes!
we need moshiach now!
they have a new born baby! hashem yerachaim!!
from montreal
May Hashem comfort you all amongst the mourners of zion and yerushalaim
may hashem give you strength.
from montreal
I’ve been saying tehillim and davenning for Esther Aidel bas Shaindel Rochel, since that day that we first heard the terrifying news. . . so so many of us were. . . when the news came through today we were devastated for you all. . . shocked beyond words. . . there just are’nt any words that one can say . . . the world is with you at this time of your most tragic loss. . . . Now , all we can pray for is that Moshiach comes NOW. . . because everytime we think it just cannot get any worse. . . it gets worse;
I don’t know any of the family. . . but my heart goes out to you totally;
Hamokom Yeracheim . . . .
Bochur from Manchester
This is so terrible, rebbe please help and bring moshiach now!
The cohens are such a nice family, and their kids are such amzaing kids, and there is a chohen wedding this week.
Hashem how could you do this to them???
Please bring moshiach now!
H-shem yerachaim
an old chavurash of mendel
omg this is tragic may hashem comfort you in the your time of mourning!
The tears don’t stop flowing. It’s hard to find enough words to describe this wonderful family. No one deserves to experience such a terrible tragedy. If you want to see Emes Avodas Hashem, Chassidishkiet and pure warmth, the Cohens are your one stop shop.
Hashem should bless the entire family with only Simchas in the future.
Hashem, AD MOSAI???????????????????
AD MOSAI????????????????????????????????
AD MOSAI????????????????????????????????
AD MOSAI????????????????????????????????
Why must Hashem do this to a family who’s only mission is to spread Yiddishkeit and bring Jews back from the depths of assimilation?
Why must Hashem do this to a child who will now never know his mother?
Why must Hashem do this to a husband who has lost his partner, his soul mate, his other half?
Why must Hashem do this to a parent, who now has the tragedy of burying a child?
Ad Mosai Hashem!
Ad Mosai!
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
Only good things.
Moshiach Now!
K Leeba Kinseth
Boruch dayan Emes –
Dear Cohen and Rubin families,
My heart goes out to you in this time of terrible loss.
May the Ha’Shem comfort you with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
There are simply no words….
hamokom yenachem eschem besoch shaar aveilei tziyon virushalayim-
oy- the kinderlach, oy -the baby, oy -the shliach, oy the parents. us shluchim through out the world feel your pain- Though i do not know you my tears pour forth – we are one family. May Hahsem comfort you all and give you the strength you need! And may you be reubited with your precious mother NOW!!
Member of the Minyan
Dear Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Mendel and family,
May Hashem comfort you all amongst the mourners of zion and yerushalaim.
Member of the Minyan anchester
high school friend
the picture is exactly as I remember her always with a smile
In the zechus that her neshama gets the ultamate aliya-Neshama Be’guf Lemate…- and for the pure Neshamos that are left waiting for Moshiach
my hachlata is to try to see the good in the little annoying and irritating things that way maybe I’ll have a smile on my face more like Esty A”H always did
oiy .... what a tragedy
also the rubin family is having a chasuna soon…. – i think
H.M. of- -THE MINYAN- Manchester
Lichvod Rabbi Mendel Shlita and family
Hamokum Yenachem Eschem Besoich Avlay Tzion veYerushalayim.
May we share only simchas in the future.
The Minyan
Beis Menachem, Manchester
Alan and Bunnie Perlman
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Cohen and Rubin families in this time of such sad and tragic news. May HaShem comfort you and all the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim.
A fund has been opened to support the family in their time of need everyone is urged to contribute via Cohen Family
Yoni and Esther Abrams
Our prayers are with the families. We consider R Rubins to be our rebbe. We have known Estee since her birth.
What a loos and a tragedy for the Cohen and Rubin families.
Mya HaShem confort you,
Yoni and Esther