With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chaya Brocha Pruss of Crown Heights, at the age of 69.

She is survived by her dear husband R. Shmerel and children R. Yitzchok (Crown Heights), R. Zalman (Crown Heights), Henya Greenberg (Los Angeles), Chanie Vogel (Crown Heights), and Rabbi Yona (London).

The Levaya will take place Monday, 11:45am at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at around 12:30pm.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Boruch Dayan Haemes – Mrs. Chaya Brocha Pruss OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chaya Brocha Pruss of Crown Heights, at the age of 69.

She is survived by her dear husband R. Shmerel and children R. Yitzchok (Crown Heights), R. Zalman (Crown Heights), Henya Greenberg (Los Angeles), Chanie Vogel (Crown Heights), and Rabbi Yona (London).

The Levaya will take place Monday, 11:45am at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at around 12:30pm.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes