Rabbi Hirsh Katz during a recent interview.

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Hirsh Katz, son of Reb Yankel Katz.

Tzvi Hirsh HaKohen Katz is known to many as the child who for many years asked the Ma Nishtana at the Rebbe’s Pesach Seder table. His father, Reb Yankel Katz from Chicago, was a stalwart supporter of both the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe.

Reb Yankel was one of the key supporters who funded of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s escape from the Nazis, and subsequently the Frierdiker Rebbe’s and then the Rebbe’s work in America. The Rebbe would speak with Reb Yankel Katz by telephone monthly, and called him “a true friend.”

Boruch Dayan Haemes – R. Hirsh Katz OBM

Rabbi Hirsh Katz during a recent interview.

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Hirsh Katz, son of Reb Yankel Katz.

Tzvi Hirsh HaKohen Katz is known to many as the child who for many years asked the Ma Nishtana at the Rebbe’s Pesach Seder table. His father, Reb Yankel Katz from Chicago, was a stalwart supporter of both the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe.

Reb Yankel was one of the key supporters who funded of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s escape from the Nazis, and subsequently the Frierdiker Rebbe’s and then the Rebbe’s work in America. The Rebbe would speak with Reb Yankel Katz by telephone monthly, and called him “a true friend.”

Hirsh studied in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva and attended Camp Gan Yisroel as a child.

Hirsh Katz will be laid to rest in the Holy Land. Funeral services will be held at Riverside Chapel in Manhattan at 1:15 PM on Sunday.

180 West 76th Street
New York, NY 10023

Reb Yankel Katz leads Shachris in the Rebbe’s presence on Hosha’na Raba in the early 1980’s.


  • Cyndi

    Hirsh Katz was a true genius, talmid chochom and baalei chesed. he exemplified “emor me’at v’aseh harbeh”. The West Side (of Manhattan) lost an important presence when Hirsh Katz ob”m passed away on erev Shabbos. Hirsh, we will miss you.. your smile and warmth, kindness and caring.