With sadness we inform you of the passing of HaRav HaChossid Rabbi Ezriel Zelig Sharfstein of Cincinnatti, OH. Rabbi Zelig Sharfstein, 79, one of the oldest Rabbis of Chabad in North America, was sent to Cincinnati over 50 years ago where he served as Rabbi of the City and was a member of the Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch Hakloli.

The Levaya will be Tuesday, 9:00 AM at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at 9:30 AM

Boruch Dayan Haemes

Baruch Dayan HoEmes – Rabbi Zelig Sharfstein OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of HaRav HaChossid Rabbi Ezriel Zelig Sharfstein of Cincinnatti, OH. Rabbi Zelig Sharfstein, 79, one of the oldest Rabbis of Chabad in North America, was sent to Cincinnati over 50 years ago where he served as Rabbi of the City and was a member of the Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch Hakloli.

The Levaya will be Tuesday, 9:00 AM at Shomrei Hadas and passing by 770 at 9:30 AM

Boruch Dayan Haemes


  • Shlome Seldowitz

    To Zev Sharfstein and family:

    HaMakon yinachem eschem btoch shaar avlei zion vyerushalayim!

    Shlome Seldowitz and family

  • hamokoim yinachem....................

    Ovad “true” Chosid Min Ha’Aretz

    May we all hear good news only

  • Yaakov Siegel

    Min Hashamayim Tenuchamu,
    I just heard about the passing of HaRav Sharfstein. I tore kriya and share in his family’s sorrow. I was a ben bayis in his home when I lived in Cincinnati 25 years ago, and have often consulted him ever since. Zechuso yagen aleinu v’aleichem.
    Yaakov (Jeff) Siegel