Bais Rivkah High Schools “Helping Our Own” Program
191 Families. Thats how many families will have volunteers from Bais Rivkah High School this year, under the umbrella organization HOO-Helping our own. Over 400 girls will be visiting families once a week to give Moms a helping hand with their little ones. HOO will also be partnering with the Kimpeturin Project and Bikur Cholim. The purpose of the organization is to inculcate in the girls the idea that “A Chossid is a giver,” and for the girls to have a hands-on opportunity to practice what they are taught. Many volunteers make lifelong connections with the families, and become like “big sisters” to the children they are visiting.
The volunteer kick off event featured Mrs Gitty Rosenfeld, who spoke about the importance of caring for others and forming a community. She gave the girls a sense of empowerment that they could make a difference in the lives of the families they go to.
Following Mrs Rosenfeld was a heartfelt Kumzitz with Esther Freeman, who sang her own personal songs and niggunim, continuing the theme of Chessed and helping mothers in the community.
The girls walked away with practical ideas to do while playing with the children in the homes that they visit, as well as uplifted and inspired to be able to Help Our Own.
We thank Rabbi Benjy Stock for initiating and coordinating this project. We also thank Mrs Shiffy Goldstein and Mrs Sara Blau, as well as the 12th grade HOO heads.
kol hakavod!
Tzedaka begins at home…
and, what a way for the girls to actually practice Ahavas Yisrael.
Thank you for this initiative.
Family Values
Crown Heights is a community that theoretically values children. It has bothered me when I see that the community does not go out of its way to help mothers of young children.
The project mentioned is this article is fabulous!!!
I wonder if there are any older women in the community who are also available to help young mothers.
Sometimes it is just the attitude that is misguided. Like if a mother is shopping and a child starts to cry. The other shoppers can do nothing, or they can think bad thoughts and maybe sneer… or they could offer to help the young mother. By rocking the stroller, holding the child, distracting the child with a treat or offering that the mother to hold the child and help get the items the mother needs from the shelf to the check out counter.
When a young mother goes to a Shiur with young children and the children make noise. The teacher can pause and ask how we can help so the mother does not have to miss the Shiur. She made the effort to come. Obviously she does not have a baby sitter. Women who are privileged to attend without children could help a mother who is not so privileged.
There are other times when a mother needs to bring a nursing baby with her and the place should provide someone to hold the baby on the premise.
Kol HaKavod to the students of Beis Rivkah.
I hear Bais Rivkah teachers are owed three payrolls this year is this true? Why did fake news collive have an article that was completely false published ? The payroll stated in their article was a missed payroll from last year!!!!
Thanks to the The founder of “HOO” Zeesy Gurevitch.