2nd Graders Bring Chanukah Joy to Seniors

Mivtzoim is for everyone, even young children, on the third day of Chanukah, Ohalei Torah’s second grade; Rabbi Filler’s class went to Roosevelt Island Senior Association to bring the joy of Chanukah to the members.

The boys started by singing some Chanukah songs, then played a Chanukah bingo game with them, enjoyed yummy latkes and lit the Menorah (without a brocho, because it was during the day).

Everyone at the RISA really enjoyed it, and immediately asked about the possibility of the boys coming again.

Special thanks go to the Mrs. Sharon Stern, Mrs. Deloris Green of the RISA, Rabbi Shimshoni, Rabbi Filler and Mrs. Divi Baumgarten.


  • N.S.

    Go Rabbi Filler go!!
    The Best Rebbi!!
    Look at the smile that he gives to his students!!
    Hatzlacha in all your hard work.

  • A Big Yasher Koach !!!

    Thank you so much Rabbi Filler for all your hard work and effort !!! We trully appreciate all the devotion you put into the boys !

  • Grandma Safta


    You did a wonderful mitzvah. Include me, Grandma Safta, and lets play some games and sing some songs. You have an especially good singing voice and fun to be with.

    Love, Grandma Safta