Man Celebrates Bar Mitzvah at 82

Rabbi Moshe Klein of Crown Heights travels every Thursday to an old-age home to help the Jewish residents put on Tefilin. One elderly Jew from the former Soviet Union would always refuse week after week, saying he never did it before and didn’t want to begin now.

This morning, the man had a change of heart and agreed to put on Tefilin for the first time in his life.

Having celebrated his 82nd birthday last summer, his ‘Bar Mitzvah’ this morning was nearly 70 years late.

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  • Clarify

    He became a Bar Mitzvah was at 13.
    The actual Mitzvah of teffillin started at 70 years later.

    Kol Hakovod!

  • Incredibly imspiring

    Thank you Rabbi Klein. You and the “Bar Mitzvah celebrant” are infusing my mivtzoyim with new enthusiasm.

  • Amazing

    Yasher Koach!!
    Rabbi Klein, you’re work and time is and always will be greatly appreciated =) and extremely inspiring!!
    Thank you so, so very much for everything