New Initiative, Do a Mitzvah for Shaya

At the Shloshim (a month since the passing) of Rabbi Shaya Gansbourg, a new initiative was launched in his memory The family asks that all those who knew him, were inspired by him or were part of his summer program, should commit to doing another Mitzvah in his honor.

A duch of all these names will then be read at the Ohel IYH.

By the grace of G-d
7 Nissan, 5773 – March 1, 2013

Dear Friends,

Exactly one month Rabbi Shaya Gansbourg’s soul left this world, leaving a void among his family, friends, community members at Chabad of Harlem, and everyone else who knew him. Reb Shaya’s genuine care for every individual reflected in his every conversation and every deed. His joy in life was making other people happy.  His love of Judaism was palpable, and he truly celebrated every opportunity to help and encourage people to perform a Mitzvah.

Those who knew him saw from up close his acts of charity to individuals in need and witnessed his delight in being able to aid countless people in the Mitzvah of donning Tefillin. As a Jewish holiday approached he tried to make sure everyone he knew had all they needed to celebrate the holiday. It excited him to be able to provide kosher lunches (free of charge) and a social meeting spot to students at the City College of New York.

We are taught that “the living should take to heart” – we should take a lesson from the life of the departed and try to better our lives with something that meant a lot to them. I ask you to join me and my family in committing to do another mitzvah/good deed in his memory.  We are also taught that by doing a good deed in honor of a departed soul, the soul ascends higher in heaven.

Could you do me a favor? Please visit and commit to a mitzvah in my father’s blessed memory. If you have a memory or story about my father that will inspire others, please share it.

May we merit the time when all sadness with cease from the world with the coming of the Moshiach now!

Wishing you and your family a happy and kosher Passover,