Aleph Champ for Adults in Brighton Beach
A group of Oholei Menachem 8th grade students directed by their classmate Mendel Winner, a thirteen year old Shliach in Brighton Beach, graciously gave 3 hours a week of their precious after school hours to teach adults basic Hebrew reading.
It was a rewarding evening for both “students” and “teachers”. The boys had an opportunity to experience Shlichus work and have made an important contact with their students which will follow up with a long lasting relationship.
The Aleph Champ program, used by Chabad Hebrew Schools for children, was adapted to provide a six week course for adults. This week completed the first course, with tremendous success.
This program is organized by Rebbetzin Esther Winner of the Chabad Neshama Center in Brighton Beach and is tailored for adults with little or no previous Hebrew reading experience. The participants of the first course comprised of a serious group of mostly Russian Jews who had previously joined the Neshama minyanim in three of their locations.
“It’s been my dream for a long time to follow in the prayer service” said Soloman Kaplan, a participant in the program. “The need for a beginner’s Hebrew reading course is of the essence. I’m so anxious to learn the Aleph Bais”, commented Stanley Rothman, one of the American Jews who participated in the program.
Thank you Zalmy Chayo, Ari Dalfin, Yudi Gerber, Menachem Goldberger, Sruli Lerman, Mendy Malka, Shaiky Slabotznik, Yisroel Slonim, Chaim Swed, Leibel Vogel and Mendel Winner of Oholei Menachem for your incredible Service! Yasher Koach!
A new course will begin next week enabling the students to reach their goal to be an Aleph Champ champion.
This program was organized in memory of R’ Chaim Yisroel Hakohen ben Yaakov Menachem Mendel Sperlin.
Kol Hakovod
B”H, getting our kids involved in helping others. What could be more satisfying for them and the ones they help? I hope our schools and shluchim will build on this and get all of our kids involved. The Winners are real winners for inplmenting this program. Thanks for posting.