Chabad Turns the World Over from “Down Under”

SYDNEY, Australia [CHI] — A convoy of ten “Mitzva Tanks” conquered the streets of the city Sydney, Australia this Thursday, Gimel Tamuz, setting out from the “Yeshiva Center – Chabad Headquarters of NSW”.

The “Mitzva Tanks” carried signs encouraging to increase in Torah study and Mitzva observance and to bring Moshiach sooner through the increasing of acts of goodness and kindness.

In the busy city streets the “Tankistim” put on people Tiffillin, gave out L’chaim’s to Jews and 7 Mitzvos flyers to the rest.

The organizers, Hatalmidim Hashluchim Yechiel Kaplan, Noam Efrati, and Shmuel Davidoff, summed up the project as a outstanding success and thanked Rabbi Pinchus Hacohen Feldman, the Rebbe’s head Shliach to NSW and Rabbi Eli Levy, Outreach Director of the Yeshiva center for giving them the opportunity to participate in the spreading out of the wellsprings at the end of the world.