Dovid Zaklikowski -
Martin Glazer, a lawyer, and Yisroel Wolf study Talmud at the Lubavitch Centre of Winnipeg, Canada.

WINNIPEG, Canada — This summer, a handful of Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva students dedicated a good portion of their vacation to helping others learn the intricate beauty of Judaism, its texts and philosophy. In two locations ñ Winnipeg, Canada, and Toledo, Ohio ñ the bochurim brought their yeshiva, so to speak, directly to the communities there.

For Those Who Can’t Go to Yeshiva, Students Bring it to Them

Dovid Zaklikowski –
Martin Glazer, a lawyer, and Yisroel Wolf study Talmud at the Lubavitch Centre of Winnipeg, Canada.

WINNIPEG, Canada — This summer, a handful of Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva students dedicated a good portion of their vacation to helping others learn the intricate beauty of Judaism, its texts and philosophy. In two locations ñ Winnipeg, Canada, and Toledo, Ohio ñ the bochurim brought their yeshiva, so to speak, directly to the communities there.

According to those who benefited from the students’ involvement ñ children and adults alike took advantage of the one-on-one learning ñ the effort paid off. Now, they’re hungry for more.

“They came from all over with an offer to study anything we would like, and whenever we would like,” reported Darren Kuropadwa, a teacher by profession, who came to the Lubavitch Centre of Winnipeg because of the individual attention promised by the yeshiva students. That was “the nice thing about the program. As the learner, you set the agenda. When going to a lecture, the lecturer has a point that he wants to make and a wider audience to appeal to. Here, you chose what you wanted to learn.”

Both programs lasted for three weeks and gave anyone who wanted the opportunity to learn about any Jewish topic.

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