Summer Merkos Shlichus in Sweden
Two Bochurim, Berel Namdar and Itchy Glassner emailed CrownHeights.info some pictures with subtitles from their Merkos Shlichus in Sweden.

Gothenburg City

Visiting an Israeli Jew on a farm
Teffilin up North
Puting up the 10th Mezuza
Visiting Borås Sweden
L’chaim from Halmstad, SWEDEN!
Jewish pride in the town center (Halmstad, Sweden)
Esther Hadassa
Yasher Koach Bere’le!! We are proud of you…
itchi is a real detroiter, a chasideshe bochur who learns davens and even wears his hat and jacket on merkos shlichus
proud Aunt
Keep up the great work!!!!!
berels best bochur
like the ties
itche ur the best ! A real macher!