As Pesach draws nearer and the streets are abuzz with an entire community preparing for the holiday, 570 Bochurim are leaving the comfort of their homes and families for the Seder nights to fly all over the world and conduct Sedorim for Jews who otherwise wouldn’t be celebrating Pesach at all.

This group left earlier in the afternoon and are all heading to Ukraine to conduct the Sedorim across the country.

Picture of the Day! – Bochurim Leaving for Pesach Shlichus!

As Pesach draws nearer and the streets are abuzz with an entire community preparing for the holiday, 570 Bochurim are leaving the comfort of their homes and families for the Seder nights to fly all over the world and conduct Sedorim for Jews who otherwise wouldn’t be celebrating Pesach at all.

This group left earlier in the afternoon and are all heading to Ukraine to conduct the Sedorim across the country.


  • Ma & Ta

    Our son, Dov Ber, is already there, & he’s staying for the whole of Pesach.

    We’ll miss him at our Seder this year, but we’re happy he’s making a difference to other people. It’s very exciting for him.

    Call us sometime! ;)

  • your roomy from NH

    yeh go db go continue to inspire the rest of us back in yeshiva’s manch.

  • Jacobs Family

    Go Yanky! Keep up the good work! Ker a Velt! We love you! We’ll miss you at the Sedorim.

  • BP yid

    Hashem should protect you and help you in your shlichis!
    I am shlepping nachas!