Weekly Letter: Letter From R’Yankel Gansburg

In honor of Chof Daled Teves, yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe, R’Schneur Zalman of Liadi – we are sharing a fascinating letter which R’Yankel Gansburg of Milan, Italy wrote to the Esteemed Committee of the Kovetz Lubavitch. He asked  R’Nissan Mindel to show the letter to the Rebbe, which R’Mindel did.

In his letter, R’Yankel recounts what he heard from his older brother, R’Yosef Gansburg – who served at the Ohel of the Alter Rebbe in Haditch until the end of World War II. R’ Yosef was the spiritual leader of the town of Haditch and served the needs of his community with mesiras nefesh, in the true spirit of a Chabad chosid. Among the interesting anecdotes which R’Yosef recounted is the fascinating story of the year when the 24th of Teves, yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe, fell on an exceptionally bitter cold winter day – and it was difficult to get the usual minyan to make the trek to the Ohel. In spite of the challenge – they somehow managed to daven with a minyan

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