Weekly Letter: Uncompromising Truth Rather Than Concessions
To the students of a girls’ school, the Rebbe gives blessings for a successful summer, encouraging them to make an impact on their surroundings – where they will have success using the road of uncompromising truth rather than accept a situation or make concessions. Especially in the area of tznius.
By the Grace of G-d
19th of Tammuz, 5731
Brooklyn, N.Y.
To the Students
Blessing ad Greeting:
I am gratified to receive periodic reports of your good activities and recently together with your donations for the Tefillin Fund and Ezras Achim, for which receipts are enclosed.
Inasmuch as everything, is by hashgocho protis , and it came at this time, at the beginning of the summer vacation, I wish to take advantage of the opportunity to convey some timely thoughts to you.
I am confident that your efforts during the past year in the area of tznius have had the desired results, and will continue to be felt. Nevertheless, on the basis of the saying of our Sages, “Encourage the energetic,” I wish to send you a word of encouragement to continue your efforts in this direction, particularly during the summer season, when many of you will have special opportunities to make a impact on your surroundings.
I have had occasion to mention before that when we see an increase in the area of the undesirable, it is an indication that a special effort should be made in the positive direction to offset the negative by reinforcement of the positive. Our Sages of blessed memory expressed it by saying, (insert Hebrew…..). This means, according to the commentaries, that when one sees an opportunity to correct an area neglected in the community, the way to deal with the situation is not, as some misguided individuals might think, to accept the situation, or even make concessions, in the hope of not antagonizing etc. On the contrary, it is necessary to make a special fence and additional fences, to close the gap. Experience has also shown that when one takes the road of concession, however well it may be meant, one only loses the confidence of the people whom one wishes to influence. On the other hand, by following unequivocally the road of uncompromising truth, one gains the respect and confidence of the people.
In the light of the above, I trust that each and every one of you will consider it as a special mission and message coming from the Torah, Toras Chaim, to take advantage of these vacation days and strengthen all the matters of good and holiness in one’s own life, and in one’s surroundings. I particularly urge you to continue your efforts in the area of tznius which, although it is basically reflected in the manner of attire, concerns also general conduct, conversation, etc.
It is well to bear in mind that since G-d is the Creator of man, and since He expects one to fulfill a certain task, He provides the necessary capacity and ability to fulfill the task in the best possible way.
I send my prayerful wishes to each and every one of you for a successful summer in every respect, particularly in respect to the above-mentioned endeavor, and may you have good news to report.
With blessing,