Weekly Letter: The Dedicated Activities of the Frierdiker Rebbe in the Area of Chinuch
Having begun Chodesh Tammuz and in preparation for Chag HaGeula of the 12th -13th of this month – we share a letter, dated 3rd of Tammuz, written to one involved in education, where the Rebbe emphasizes the dedicated activities of the Frierdiker Rebbe in the area of chinuch without compromise.
By the Grace of G-d
3rd of Tammuz, 5730
Brooklyn, N.Y.
London, N.W. 11, England
Greeting and Blessing:
After not hearing from you for a long time, I received your letter.
In order of its contents, I was pleased to receive the good news that your son is attending the Yeshivah … and also the news about your other children. I reiterate my prayerful wishes, when you and your wife were here, that you should both together bring up your children to a life of Torah, chuppah and good deeds, in good health and happy circumstances.
I was pleased to receive good reports from visitors who came here for Shavuos, and also the reports I receive from London via correspondence, about the Lubavitch activities in London, especially about your own participation in them. And although you write that you had hoped to gain more new students then have been enrolled so far, I am hopeful that inasmuch as there is still time before the beginning of the new school year, the efforts to increase the enrollment will yet be crowned with further hatzlocho. The zechus horabim is on your side.
Especially as we have now entered the month of Tammuz, highlighted by the Chag HaGeula of the 12th-13th of this month, which is directly related to the dedicated activities of my father-in-law of saintly memory in the area of chinuch, without compromise. You surely know the history and background of these auspicious days, which are auspicious for all those who are active in this field, in the spirit of my father-in-law.
May G-d grant that you should have good news to report in all above, including also about your personal affairs and parnosso. And may this month, which is called the “Month of Geula” by both Chassidim and many non-Chassidim, bring you, in the midst of all our people, true geulo from all difficulties and obstacles, so as to go from strength to strength in all good things, with joy and gladness of heart.
With blessing,