Weekly Letter: Women and Chanukah

In the letter we share this week, the Rebbe’s encouraging words speak of the women’s significant role in the miracle of Chanukah. The Rebbe focuses in particular on the women’s self sacrifice in the observance of the laws of tznius. This, at a time when the challenge wasn’t only from the non-Jewish nations but sadly, from their own Jewish people (Hellenists), by going against the trend of the few against the many.

By the Grace of G-d
21st of Kislev, 5730
Brooklyn, N.Y.

New York, N.Y.

Blessing and Greeting:
I duly received you letter with the enclosed tzedakah, contributed by your group of girls, enclosed is the receipt.
May G-d grant that the zechus of the tzedakah should stand you in good stead, for the fulfilment of your hearts’ desires for good in all your needs.
I hope you will have an inspiring Chanukah, especially in light of the fact that Jewish women had a significant role in the miracle of Chanukah, as you surely know. The women’s contribution began with their self-sacrificing determination to observe the laws of tznius and extended to the whole area of Torah and mitzvos. Be it remembered that in those days they were confronted with a trend which had swept not only non-Jewish nations, but unfortunately also a substantial part of the Jewish people, who called themselves “Hellenists,” faithfully following the customs and fashions of the day as set by the Greek culture prevailing at the time.
An event in Jewish history, particularly on that has been eternalized by a mitzvah, especially for eight consecutive days, surely must provide food for thought, not only as an important historic event but also and especially, as on that has a pertinent and timely significance for our own day and age. This should also make it easier to overcome whatever difficulties there may be, whether real or imaginary, to so so with confidence, joy an gladness of heart.
The message of Chanukah for Jewish girls and women is that they should not allow themselves to be influenced by the environment, even though they re “few” and “weak” (as mentioned in Al Hanissim). Victory will be theirs if they assume a strong and determined posture and the benefit of it will be not only for them, but for the entire Jewish people, indeed for all future generations, as was the case with Chanukah.
Surely it is unnecessary to elaborate to you at length as to the cult of the ancient Greeks, which was to worship physical strength and beauty, disregarding all modesty. So shameless they became in their conduct, that they scribed the same obscenities and vulgarity to their pagan gods, as is well known from their mythology.
In light of the above, the issue, insofar as Jewish girls are concerned, is not merely the length of a dress, whether it be longer or shorter, but the fact that following the trend of the non-Jewish culture men subservience to it all along the line.
Secondly, this is not a personal matter, where a Jewish girl can think it is a matter of her own to do as she please, but it has far-reaching implications involving other girls and indeed a matter of concern for all Jewish people.
Thirdly, there is no basis to think that what can a girl do in the face of such a majority and a trend. The message of Chanukah provides the answer in regard to all three mentioned points.
I hope and pray that those girls who have shown strength and independence in the matter of tznius will continue to so even with greater strength, while those who have not seen the matter in the true light of the Torah until now, will begin to do so from now on and will continue in the right direction going from strength to strength, in accordance with the teachings of the Chanukah lights, which are kindled in growing numbers from day to day.
Although this letter has been addressed to you in reply to your letter, both your letter as well as the reply are of course intended in behalf of the entire group. I hope therefore, that you will bring it to the attention of each and every one of the group and that it will help you and them in your determination to show a living example to other girls and groups s to what the proper thinking and conduct of a Jewish girl should be. In this way we may be certain in the eventual victory of light over darkness and to the realization of Al Hanissim in our own time, to its very conclusion, “to give thanks and praise to Thy great Name.”
Wishing you and all your friends a happy and inspiring Chanukah,
With blessing,

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