Weekly Letter: Re-Marriage, Livelihood, and the 7 Noahide Laws
During the week of P’ Noach – with the dramatic events of the cleansing of the human race – we share a letter of the Rebbe regarding the 7 NOAHIDE LAWS – the foundation upon which a moral and civilized society is to be guilt and maintained. The Rebbe gives advice to a non-Jew regarding re-marriage, livelihood and the 7 Noahide Laws.
By the Grace of G-d
Brooklyn, N.Y
Garden Grove, California 92640
Blessing and Greeting:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter. Considering you age, it is somewhat surprising that there is no mention of an important point in your various considerations, namely, the thought of remarrying, which, in my opinion, you should consider seriously. This is important not only for yourself but also for your children whom you mention in your letter. And the sooner this can be materialized, the easier it would be for your children’s adjustment, and it would also help you resolve the various problems about which you write.
In light of the above and as a logical consequence of it, especially if there are serious matrimonial propositions, it would be advisable to postpone the selling of your house, which could be later decided upon mutually. In the event that there have not been definite propositions, I think that your approach should be determined by considerations of making a livelihood and the logical choice should be in the line in which you have experience. It is therefore with these considerations in mind that you have to resolve whether or not to move to another location.
If there are good prospects for suitable job or business elsewhere, then you would of course have to sell your house. On the other hand, if there are similar prospects locally, it would be preferable to remain in your present city, especially as this would not entail a change of schools in the current school year, not to mention that moving to a new city, or even neighborhood, often entail additional complications of adjustment.
May you have good news to report in all above.
With blessing,
P.S. I trust you know that there are basic Divine Laws which are valid for every person regardless of religious persuasion. I refer to the so-called Seven General Precepts which were made incumbent upon the descendants of Noah, that is, all humanity, when G-d made the covenant with Noah and his children after the Flood.
These fundamental laws, with their many ramifications are: 1) the establishment of courts of justice; 2) the prohibition of blasphemy; 3) of idolatry; 4) of incest; 5) of bloodshed; 6) of robbery; 7) of eating flesh cut from a living animal. These Divinely-given Laws are the basis of every human society to ensure that it be truly a human society and not a jungle. It is the duty of every serious-minded person to strengthen and disseminate these laws in his or her environment, for the benefit of all humanity and I trust that you are doing your share by precept and example