Photos: General Session, Profiling Past and Present

Photos by Rivka Lifshitz

Thursday evening, Kinus Hashluchos held their general sessionin the main ballroom of Oholei Torah. The session was entitled ‘The Profile of a Chossid: Reflecting the Past, Focusing on the Future’ and was chaired by Mrs. Miriam Friedman from Birmingham, AL.

Tehillim was recited by Mrs. Gila Roth from Jerusalem, Israel followed by a screening of a video called Lamplighters.

Greeting were given by Mrs. Rivki Cheruff from Birmingham, England, followed by glimpses into the life of a Shlucha and Chassidiste from Mrs. Rochel Fogelman from Worchester, MA.

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, welcomed all the Shluchos.

The evening concluded with a special speech by Mrs. Chaya Teldon from Commack, NY about ‘What is a Chossid? The Rebbe’s Vision: Transcends Time, Place and Circumstance’.


  • Hi Reb. Kazen

    Hw exciting to see Rebtzin Kazen in the audience.
    What a Special Shlucha!!!!!!!! She is a beautiful person always helping others.

  • Henya laine

    How exciting to see my daughters and my mother at the convention.
    It looks really full. I am sure you will all gain a lot of information and go back
    Thank you Rabbi Kotlasky for all your hard work.