The Jew Project: Roei Shalev, A Nova Festival Survivor

The Jew Project, created by photographer Yisroel Teitelbaum aims to unify the Jewish people through documenting the lives of individuals. To read more on The Jew Project Click Here.

Roei, from Kfar Yona, found a life of purpose and joy running his family’s bakery, in Ramat Hasharon with his girlfriend, Mapal.

On Oct 7, Roei, Mapal, their friend Hilly, and others, attended the Nova Festival.

At 6:29am, rocket fire cut the music and dancing short. Roei grabbed the girls and began to flee the festival by car. Driving away from the incoming Hamas vehicles, he saw a girl stumble into the road, covered in blood, shouting there were terrorists behind her.

Surrounded, Roei, Mapal, and Hilly ditched their car and ran through the trees, bullets whistling by them. After a grenade exploded close by, they came to two abandoned cars. Hilly dove under one, Roei and Mapal dove under the other.

The terrorists caught up with them, and while pinned under these two cars, all three friends were shot point blank. Hilly and Mapal were killed instantly. Roei was covered in his and his girlfriend’s blood, and played dead. A second wave of terrorists came by, ensuring they didn’t miss anyone, and seeing Roei lying under the car, they shot him again. He did not move.

This second barrage hit the car’s fuel tank, emptying gallons of gasoline on Roei and his open wounds, and on Mapal.

Roei lay still for seven hours, watching over his dearest friends, and praying, until he was rescued.

A week later, Roei’s beloved mother could not bear the pain of her son’s injuries and the loss of life, and committed suicide.

Within the darkest time of his life, Roei found strength and support to share his story publicly.

On social media, Roei spared no detail of the terror he had survived. The response was overwhelming and encouraged Roei to continue.

Roei’s family bakery name has since switched to “Mapal’s Cafe” in honor of his late love.

Hilly’s family organized a marathon in her honor.

Roei has been traveling non-stop to tell his story, and to represent those who can no longer share their story on their own, at his own expense.

May their memories be a blessing.
We Will Dance Again.

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