The Jew Project: Simcha Greiniman, ZAKA Deputy Commander
The Jew Project, created by photographer Yisroel Teitelbaum aims to unify the Jewish people through documenting the lives of individuals. To read more on The Jew Project Click Here
Simcha and his wife have 5 children and 3 grandchildren. He lives in Modiin Illit and owns a furniture/carpentry business.
He is also the Deputy Commander of ZAKA in his area.

ZAKA’s goals and efforts include humanitarian aid/missions, search and rescue, emergency response, and international disaster assistance.
Simcha has been a key and veteran ZAKA member for over thirty years, which has included aid and assistance with the sick, ventilated and wounded individuals, war victims, Holocaust survivors etc across Israel, Turkey, India, Egypt and other locations with exceptional dedication.
On Shabbat Simchat Torah, Oct 7, 2023, Simcha was in his synagogue with his family, when Hamas invaded israel by land and by air, attacking mutilating and murdering countless Israeli civilians.
Simcha and his team sped towards the scene, while under fire and life-threatening risks to ensure the retrieval and respect of the bodies of the victims. For weeks Simcha and his team worked around the clock, on hundreds of bodies in each location they went, of men, women, children, infants, and the elderly. Every scene they found was one of horror, mutilation, and various forms of abuse before the victims’ murder.

After weeks of ensuring the complete collection of all forms of human remains, Simcha was appointed by the Israeli Govt to oversee the entire mission of collecting all remaking forms of human remains in the affected areas. This is a key part in respecting the dead and providing closure and comfort to the bereaved families.
ZAKA is an international humanitarian organization recognized by the United Nations, dedicated to serving the common good without regard to race religion gender or ethnicity.
It’s volunteers, mostly of medical backgrounds, play a crucial role in ensuring the respect of the deceased, and that their families receive closure and dignity through the funeral and burial process.