Kashrus Shiurim Series in Memory of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy Concludes
This week marks the end of a compendium of English-language kashrus shiurim, given by experts from across the spectrum of AKO-member hechsherim, in memory of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy, OB”M, whose yahrzeit was Acharon Shel Pesach.
The shiurim, which started in Elul 5780, are relevant to both kashrus professionals and baal habatim, and covered topics such as Bishul Akum, Gevinas Akum, Tolayim, Dairy Bread, Simanim & Labeling, Halachos Relevant to Traveling, Hechsher Keilim, Tevilas Keilim, and more. Two senior Rabbinic Coordinators at OK Kosher, Rabbi Hershel Krinsky and Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka, gave shiurim, as well as rabbonim from the CRC, OU, Kof-K, Star-K, and others.
Delivered twice weekly via WhatsApp, Anchor, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, and Spotify, the shiurim boasted an audience of hundreds of listeners worldwide. All of the shiurim are archived and available for access via Google Drive at https://www.akokosher.org/shiurim and on the various podcast platforms.
Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, Executive Director of AKO, shared these words at the conclusion of the final shiur: “It is hard to believe we have finished the year of aveilus for הרב דן יואל בן הרב דובער ז”ל. What a zechus all the learning this past year must be for his neshama, by those who have prepared and those who listened to these wonderful shiurim. It is most befitting, as among Rav Don Yoel’s many ma’alos, his love for learning Torah was first and foremost. He was a true Talmid Chochom and that is what guided his entire life. Moreover, these shiurim specifically focused on clarifying practical halachos and obtaining Toras Emes, which is most befitting to Rav Don Yoel’s devotion to truth and integrity in Kashrus.
We have all been enriched in various degrees by Rav Don Yoel and should continue to strive for emes in everything we do.
A tremendous yaasher koach to the staff of the OK who facilitated this project and specifically to Mrs. Fraenkel who made sure everything ran smoothly.”
Rabbi Chaim Fogelman, member of the Executive Kashrus Vaad of OK Kosher, expressed his gratitude to AKO, saying, “I want to thank Rabbi Sholem Fishbane and AKO for hosting these shiurim and for bringing the shiurim to the public and honoring Rabbi Levy’s memory in this way.”