Kletzky Killer Sentenced to Life in Prison


Levi Aron

A New York City hardware store clerk who pleaded guilty to kidnapping, killing and dismembering a lost little boy has been sentenced to 40 years to life in prison.

Levi Aron pleaded guilty this month to lesser charges in a deal that spared him a criminal trial and the possibility of life in prison without parole. The 37-year-old said nothing Wednesday at his sentencing hearing. He will be eligible for parole in 40 years.

Aron admitted killing 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in July 2011 after the boy asked him for directions in Brooklyn. Leiby got lost on his way home from day camp, the first time he had been allowed to walk alone.

Aron had the boy just over a day. When Aron noticed fliers with the boy’s photo, he says he panicked and suffocated the boy.


  • not enough punishment

    Let him try getting parole. I’ll probably be dead in 40 years but there will be people who will still remember. Hope he rots.

  • Mitnagid

    #3,hopefully they will:if someone spends 30 years in jail(I guess it’s the minimun before even speaking about parole)for such a crime,I think he won’t be able to hide in protective custody for that much time.Sooner or later in so many years,there will be a moment when guards make a mistake and let him get in touch with regular inmates,who as everyone knows hate scum like him;in that moment hopefully he’ll be killed or at least seriously wounded as he deserves!Even if this doesn’t happen,30-40 years in protective custody are worse than death.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    I guess the judge thought hanging was too good for the likes of him.

  • yarmulka allowed!!

    okay everyone stop it! if hes a jew, LET HIM WEAR A YARMULKA!!! HE HAS AN OBLIGATION!!!!!!! ARE U SAYING HE SHOULD GO AGAINST HASHEM?!

  • LL

    they would even consider giving parole at 77 yrs old? not acceptable at all. he should not even have the satisfaction of looking forward to parole ever.

  • to # 12

    what r u saying????!!! and killing is not going against hashem?!!

  • esther

    nan why would you kill him now? prison and worse than death
    baruh dayan a emes.

  • Think About It!

    For all those who said just kill him, i dont think that would make any sense. You want him to suffer, right? Him getting 40 years to life (with probably no parole) is better than the death penatly. The death penalty, he gets off easy!

  • Forgetting the bottom line!

    To 17:

    It’s simple as all this. Rabbi Avigdor Miller, ZT“L, said about Hitler, Y”SH,“When Hitler committed suicide, he thought that was it? No, that’s when the fun began.”
    So, don’t worry about the death penalty being easy. Either way, the Ribono Shel Olam will mete out the right retribution.

  • to number fifteen, its nuber twelve

    so why doesnt he go against every mitzvah?! if he wants to wear a kippa let him! What type of ridiculous answer is that?!?!
    “killing isnt going against hashem?” obviously it is but because he killed someone doesnt mean he cant wear a yarmulka!

    As chabadniks, shluchim of the rebbe, we are always reaching out to people no matter who, regardless of there past, or even present. We push people just to put on tefillin. and now your saying that because he killed someone he shouldnt wear a yarmulka?!

  • Connection

    To #20
    Consider the ENORMOUS Chilul Hashem created by his appearing in public with a yarmulke. To avoid such a Chilul Hashem would be a more compelling reason (perhaps even an obligation) to remove it, than it would be to remove it when bathing, swimming or immersing in a mikveh.