Boteach: “I Could Declare Myself Messiah Right Now”


Rabbi Shmuley Boteach talks about his new book in Jerusalem, Israel

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach revels in speaking publicly about topics most Orthodox Jews avoid; his newest work promises to be no less controversial. The Israeli Newspaper Haaretz interviewed him on his latest book “Kosher J,” in which he describes the founder of Christianity as a good Jew, and blames later Christians who never knew him for portraying him falsely.


“Kosher J,” Boteach’s first book published in Israel, asserts that because Christians no longer consider Jews to be their enemies, it is therefore time to recognize J as a Torah-abiding Jewish patriot.

“This book is telling the Jews to reclaim J, the authentic J, the historical J, the Jewish J” and to be inspired by his “beautiful” teachings, the U.S.-born author and TV show host told Anglo File this week in Jerusalem. “It’s asking Christians to make an effort to enrich their Christianity through an understanding of the Jewishness of J.”

“Suddenly we have evangelical Christians emerging as the foremost supporters of the state of Israel,” he said. “We have this political alliance. What is a lacking is a theological bridge.”

“Christians don’t know the Jewish J,” Boteach continued. “They know the divinity but not the Jewish man J. There’s a need to discover the humanity of J.”

“Kosher J” amalgamates research (mostly by Hyam Maccoby) which suggests that the gospels give the wrong impression of J. “There was a lot of embellishment and editing,” Boteach said. “We have to remember Paul the apostle never met J. He cannot offer us a first-hand account of J’s life.”

Christian scripture “doesn’t add up” when it portrays J as a self-hating Jew, or when it lists sins that allegedly led Jews to condemn him, Boteach said. J never declared himself God or meant to abolish Jewish law, he asserts.

And the fact that J thought of himself as the messiah shouldn’t bother Jews, he insists: “I could declare myself the messiah right now. There’s nothing blasphemous about this,” Boteach said. “I even encourage people to have a certain messianic tendency in their lives, a desire to redeem the world.”

Boteach said he regrets that Jews allowed J “to be ripped away from them without even a fight.”

“We just accepted a Christian interpretation of his life and narrative,” he said. “One of the most influential people of all time is seen as a Christian who loved the Romans and said about the Jews that they are all the children of the devil.”

But “Christian ideas of J as divine messiah emerged as a savvy adaptation following the destruction of the Second Temple,” Boteach explained. Once Jews understand that, he writes that they “can take inspiration from J’ often beautiful ethical teachings and appreciate J as a devoted Jewish son who became martyred while trying to lift the Roman yoke of oppression from his beloved people.”

J as ‘a model rabbi’

If precedent is any indication, “Kosher J” is bound to stir up controversy. Two years ago, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, the New York-born Orthodox rabbi of Efrat, was attacked for saying J was “a model rabbi.” He later retracted that statement, stressing that J was “not a rabbi in the classical sense of the term.”

But Boteach says he does not fear the repercussions of referring to J as a rabbi in his book.

“I lived my whole life with criticism. The Talmud says that you learn more from your critics than you do from your fans,” he said.

“America’s Rabbi,” as Boteach is called on his website, is no doubt a polarizing figure. Some admire his chutzpah, while others often find him to be arrogant. Indeed, in his new book – which he expects will become “seminal” – he writes that Pope Benedict XVI asked him for an autographed photograph. In the next paragraph, he pokes fun at himself when he thanks his parents “for giving the world such a beautiful gift in the form of me.” Glenn Beck, the controversial U.S.-Christian media personality, hailed “Kosher J” as a “must-read for everyone willing to venture slightly out of their comfort zone.”

Manchester-born Rabbi Jeremy Rosen called the book “a fun romp” that “makes you think and examine your own ideas.”

But in Rosen’s review of the book, he also writes that religious leaders do too much to persuade others to change their ideas.

Rosen quotes the late Rabbi Josef D. Soloveitchik, who maintained that Jews should engage in interfaith relations only when dealing with matters of joint concern, but should avoid theological debates.

Ignoring the 600-pound gorilla

“That was right for his time. It’s not right for our time,” Boteach said of Soloveitchik’s approach.

“Christians are our best friends today,” he said. “There has to be a discussion of the theology. You can’t have this 600-pound gorilla in the room and just ignore it.”

Boteach, who recently attended a large Christian pro-Israel gathering, said he found it irritating that participants avoided any mention of J for fear of offending Jews.

“It’s weird. How can you have a relationship with close friends and you can’t talk about the most important thing in their life and the most famous Jews that ever lived?” Boteach asked.

“My book says we Jews and Christians understand J in very different ways, and that’s OK,” Boteach said. “But now, let’s have a conversation.”


  • What Next???

    And now perhaps his supporters can see a little of why this man is getting more and more dangerous. He actually admires J? I’m stunned.

    I’m no expert but does this come under the heading of apikorsus?

  • Stop promoting this garbage

    I remember Jeremy Rosen very well. A very nice guy, but his (religious)opinion isn’t worth squat.

  • Yanks

    “I could declare myself the messiah right now. There’s nothing blasphemous about this”

    Fine, go ahead, but what if you aren’t moshiach?

  • JEW

    “But Boteach says he does not fear the repercussions of referring to J as a rabbi in his book.

    “I lived my whole life with criticism. The Talmud says that you learn more from your critics than you do from your fans,” he said.”

    Oh really, what have you learned from anybody lately?

    This guy is off the deep end.

    Besides for the fact that who is he to challenge R’ J.B. Soloveichik, a Torah giant like few others, and our Rebbe who warned against any interfaith dialogues (besides for 1 or 2 specific individuals who were up to the task), on top of thousands of years of warnings by all the Gedolei Yisroel (Rambam, Ramban, etc.) never to engage in interfaith dialogue due to physical AND spiritual danger?

    How does he even dare take the responsibility of encouraging the most ignorant generation of Jews (about their own Judaism), to engage in dialogue with evangelical predators of Jewish souls, who will loose their footage against a professional missionary after four seconds of debate?

    This man is seriously dangerous, its time for the Rabbinical leadership to step up to the plate and put this man in his place.

    And thanks CHI for posting this garbage, otherwise I wold never realize how dangerous this man is.

  • one thing he is leaving out..

    That “J” completely went “off” so to say, and was the cause of the crusades that killed thousands of his own people!!!!!!

  • Pray for him , He lost his marbles

    This is unreal. J was a Mamzer and self hating jew otherwise the oral torah will be narrating not true facts and can you question our Gemoro? was also given to Moshe Rabbenu.
    Christians are more dangerous than Muslims, while arabs look to wipe out us phisically the others try to do it spiritually, Do you how this will give more ammunition to rely in their mistake Jews for J? Can you imagine the repercusions? Is not about what people will tkink about my supe EGO that none can harm, this is playing with fire and I don’t want a good jew like Shmuly to suffer, for the good of his soul let’s pray he cancels this book and promotes 7 Noahides Laws as the Rebbe suggested, there are no centers in the world about it.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    “Christians are our best friends today” to quote Boteach. Who is he kidding?

  • He doesn-t have any shame

    Just wait till the “outside world” gets to hear of this. Chabad doesn’t have enough crazies without this self-serving person making us look like goyim? I have read articles and comments that say Lubavitchers aren’t “real Jews”. With people like Boteach writing such things I get why they say things like this.

    It’s about time he admits what he really is – an oisvarf and not a Lubavitcher chossid.

  • Kim Kardash Boteach

    I guess he is a celebrity now , to sell more $$$$ books you have to be creative.

  • Rachmanah Letzlan

    Thanks, no the job of those of us who fight missionaries and Messianic Jews just got a lot harder. this is exactly what they claim!!! Rachmana letzlan, and just to get more publicity!?

    I think the Rabbi should read up a bit more on the various JEWISH sources which discuss “j.”

  • To kim Kardash Boteach

    writing dirty books wasn’t exciting enough obviously. I thought he was creative then. I def overestimated his dignity & self respect, not to mention respect for the Rebbe & Chabad. What a creep.

    You know who I feel sorry for? his family esp his mechutanim. Glad I don’t have to be ashamed i was meshadduch with such people.

  • WHAT?? that low i didnt expect...

    this guy is going DOWN DOWN, not off te deap end but IN THE DEEP END!!!
    i cant believe he has the chutzpa to talk the way he talks… i thing everyone should say a kapitek tehilim that this guy shouldnt go any deeper then he alread went down…

  • just thinking out loud

    Can they “de-frock” a Rabbi? Like they do to galachim in the church? Should work OK, he seems more in tune with Xstians than Chassidim l’havdil.

  • Taking a page from Rabbi J.I.

    Rabbi Immanuel Schochet also famously said he could declare himself the messiah, but he said it to prove a point. As absurd as it sounds, Mr. Boteach looks like he is seriously considering it… In a different time, Rabbi Schochet would have taken Mr. Boteach to school about the truths of Christianity, but unfortunately, he’s not in the position to do so at the moment. Can it be that Mr. Boteach is trying to take advantage of the situation?

  • Illinois Shliach

    This man will sell his children for money. I am not sure he really believes what he writes or is just engaging in sensational journalism, but either way he is a disgrace. I am glad I was nevera defender of his like so many other Crown Heightsers and sadly some “shluchim”.

  • such hatred....

    anyone read the next article on this website? the one about anti-semetic graffiti and rude attendant?

    not much different than the comments on this write-up, excecpt that on that one the hatred of a Jew presumably stems from a non-Jewish source.

  • Reb yid

    Hmmmm, i wonder how he would explain the idea of nittel nacht, after all wasnt he a good jew?

  • Oh Shmueli!

    He could declare himself Moshiach right now?! If he calls himself “America’s Rabbi” on his website,looks like he’s on the way there.
    Wonder if he’ll walkinto a Mechist shul when they call ‘Yechi” someday and say ‘thank you’?
    As for all of them being our friends, he really needs to be conversant with groups that try to shmad us, financed by the prespertarian church, or listen to some you tube videos of greek orthodox clerics

  • One happy family

    Now you know why Yehudah Krinsky speaks to him. They are FRIENDS. get it????


    Boteach is clueless. It is time those who do support him should write him off once and for all. He is a mumar and deserves to be ostracised. If even one Jew goes astray on account of this book, that’s on his head. I only wonder if they could turn the fires of hell up any higher, considering all the Jews already nichshal through his previous books. RIP Shmuly. Your day ha come.

  • Al Tivtach Bo

    The best thing to do for Chabad is to ignore him, and to just let those who have to issue press releases that he does not speak for Chabad if it is necessary.

    He is no different than the Lasagna museum man, and in the end the Lasagna did no damage because no one responded to his nonsense.

    Boteach is actually very similar to the Neturei Karta – just out there doing and saying outlandish things to get attention. The difference is that Boteach has a brain in his head that needs a few screws, whereas the NK fools have voids in between the rocks in their heads.

  • serel maness

    we all know the truth of j unless botech is trying to get the non-jews to look at j through torah way,if they are willing to ,they will all be keeping the 7 laws of noach,l rather he did this the rebbe’s way,can’t go wrong no matter what with the rebbe’s way

  • Normally open minded

    I don’t think your website is allowed to quote this kind of stuff.

    It can cause spiritual harm to anyone reading it, thinking about it or discussing these ideas.

  • anon

    why is ch info serving as a p;atform for yeder tzudreter. can you have a bisle shame.

  • Never stop Trying, Shmuely

    Maybe after realizing that he won’t get appointed as Chief Rabbi of Britain, he is going for the Moshiach position…..

  • chaim36

    This type of lunacy is a direct result of the messianic cult. This is the TIP of the iceberg. These meshuganos are hijacking the glorious work of chabad. The tragedy is that nothing is being done to silence them.

  • Al Tivtach Bo

    Chaim36, this guy has nothing to do with the meshichisten.

    Boteach is a showman and a screwball whose entire essence is self-promotion.

    Ignore him, and eventually he will dig himself into a hole again the way he did in the UK.

  • mordechai

    I know Rabbi Boteach, All I have to say is. He is a public figure, he is also his own man. He has a beautiful neshama.
    Rabbi Boteach is quick and smart married with kids.
    I don’t think he is in anyway apicoires.
    He is definitely in an area where there is a sign “Playing with fire”and he can get burned easily at his own risk.
    He is known for his continuous interfaith dialogue effort.
    I’d be slow in making any statement or judge him or label him.
    Lets remember that after all throughout history in time.
    Yidden’s kesher was always with Hashem and it will always be. So to my point whenever we got punished it wasn’t the christians will to kill us. All is in the hands of Shemayim except the fear of Shemayim.
    I don’t commend Rabbi Boteach for his endeavor at all. but I won’t label him or brand him or judge him either.

  • A disciple of Rabbi J.I. Schochet

    What ignorance and arrogance. J never wrote any books and any ‘teachings’ we know of his are from the ‘new’ testament. In those very teachings (NOT from Paul) there is Chillul Shabbos, cursing out the Rabonon and many other grandiose, deifying comments (‘none shall come unto the father except through me’). Plus SB’s rediculous statement that there is nothing worng with declaring yourself moshiach? Ever heard of a navi Sheker? A navi sheker can even perform miracles but if he is sheker we put him to death. The Torah says that he was allowed to do a miracle because Hashem was just testing us. Well, it looks like the false prophet, Shmueli, just failed the test…
    To #17; I am sure Rabbi Schochet, even in his ‘current state’, can whip SB with half a brain tied behind his back (as he like’s to say) ;)

  • Merliner

    Where is one to find OUR perspective on yushke. In Yeshiva we didnt study this. Is there a sugya of Gemara or a sefer that tells of the Torahs true perspectiv of oseh haish?

  • daniel the prophet

    The Book of Daniel contains a prophecy that before the coming of Moshiach, many will undergo a process of clarifying. It will become clear to all just who is really who, across the board. People’s true colors will show… Get ready for a lot more surprises, especially from the ranks of Chabad!

  • The REAL Moshiiach

    He can declare himself to be anything he wants…but I am still the real Moshiach

  • Read it again

    I think you people should read the article properly before commenting. You are taking what he said out of context. He didnt mean it literally. He said “he could also…” for that matter, you and I could also declare ourselves the messiah. I think it is not right for your website to make this line as your title. On it’s own, it definitely doesn’t sound good and people are writing negatively on a fellow yid unnecessarily, because they just see this line and don’t bother reading what he meant when he said it.

  • Stop for a minute!

    The truth is that right now Christians are better friends to the Jews and Israel then the Jews themselves.
    Just look at Glenn Beck or the Republican presidential candidates. Beck knows more about the imminent danger that Israel is in more than any Jew I know.

  • Sholem

    There are over 100,000 Jews in this country who have converted to Christianity. Has anyone of these vicious commenters done ANYTHING to help these Jews return to Judaism? Shmuley is actually doing something to try to help these people. This book has the potential to help bring many of these neshamas back to the torah and further strengthen Jews to resist missionary activity because it shows and provides evidence that Christianity is a lie. Until you’ve read this book, don’t give an opinion based on your stupidity

  • I Know His Type

    He is using Radicalism to gain attention.
    And since he has a logical defense what can anyone say.

    I have two questions:

    1. What are the chances that this matter (out of many theoretical others)is what really concerns him as a sincere Jew?

    2. What more radical statement (which even a 2 Year old Islamist can notice something’s wrong) than this could one have thought of regarding Judaism how it’s perceived today ?

    Plus it’s coming from a RABBI with a BEARD.

    He WILL be in history books (just as he intends), and for most of the world it won’t be in an infamous way, but rather as an “open minded Rabbi” who was “ready to speak the truth no matter the controversy” but some day he will have to ask himself what were his true intentions? and if there ever is such a thing of “Judgement Day” will he be credited for his actions or even have a defense?

  • #17 - Interesting Point

    Maybe he would be scared of getting a response from J I Schochet and that would be enough to tame him, but now he knows of no-one that will make shame of him(esp. now that Hitchens has died).

  • Al tivtach bo

    47, your comment is absurd.

    The thesis of this book is just perfect to convince a j4j that notzrus is a proper derech in Yiddishkeit. They also claim to understand oiso haish as a Jew.

    Boteach is a clown, and unless we ignore him he can become a dangerous clown. Again, the way we treated the Lasagna Rebbe is a perfect guide here – let him go away and do his own thing. The Lasagna has a few nuts coming to his minyan and he has his museum operation that is neither here nor there. This one will have his non-Jewish celebrities, and we have Torah ubefrat Toiras haChassidus which is all that counts.

    As for us having to understand oiso haish – we don’t. Most good notzrim are keeping the 7 Mitzvos Bnei Noiach; until there is a Sanhedrin we can’t possibly say that notzrus is A”Z for non-Jews. The few who still believe in replacement theology, and the Carters and Tutus who claim to be notzrim but hate Yidden, are just plain anti-Semites and need to be treated the same way secular or Islamic anti-Semites are treated – name, shame and ostracize.

    Maybe, when one of us fully understands what Hashem wants from us Yidden, that one can go and figure out who oiso haish was and what non-Jews should learn from him.

    Until then, zitz un lern.

  • Up next: Kosher Paedophilia

    Shmuley’s next book, Kosher Paedophilia, will explore the Torah and conventional attitudes to education and love. Boteach explains that in the human psyche we are all hard-wired to love children in a healthy, protective way. The book shows how Shmuley’s close friend, Michael Jackson, demonstrated this lofty trait, but was misunderstood by society as a threat to children.

  • Chaim Tovim

    A meshugener once went around telling everyone he was the messiah. His family brought him to the local rov, who told him “I also know that you are the messiah. But best thing to keep it a secret between me and you.” The meshugener was happy and never spoke to anyone about it again.

    I think we need such a rov to speak to Boteach and get him to zip his lip.

  • Beaware!

    Botaich came out very strongly against the Meshachist view after gimmel Tamuz. Now we know why he wants to declare himself Moshiach!

  • Sruly C

    For all of you hate mongers, did any of you pick up a phone and call Rabbi Shmuly, cause I have spoken to him in the past, and he is a loving caring person, how dare you Bashmutz a Yid in a public forum.

    And for all of you that are so worried about his Yidishkeit, I tell you right now he is very intelligent, and lives by a strict halachic code, worry about yourselves.

    Regarding the book you’re all reffering to, I have a strong feeling nobody here read the book, and it’s probably all true whatever he writes in it “ only the people here commenting make crap up”!

    The only issue probably is, the catchy name, which like almost all of his books have catchy titles, and the reason is simple THAT’S HOW U SELL BOOKS!!!!! Most people write books to make money, this is not the Kovetz oholey Torah that’s printed and distributed for free.

  • HaBoteach baShem Chessed Yesoivevehu

    Has Boteach really lowered himself to having shills like 47 and 55 post here?

    Sounds like the way his family gun and knife business handles their constant stream of consumer complaints – they set up shills who claim that they are satisfied so they can maintain a decent BBB rating.

    Meanwhile, enthusiast forums are full of warnings against the firm.

  • Ignorant

    Sruli, that was a very ignorant comment. The issue here is not Boteach, he is entitled to jump off the GW if he so chooses, it surely will earn him a lot of publicity. The problem is the great attractive name of the book that will cause ignorant Jews (95% of today’s American Jews) to read the book and being ignorant they will think that its ok to explore jc and then they fall into the trap and its over for them.

    That’s the reason that the Rebbe was so adamantly against interfaith dialogue and that’s why historically ALL Gedolei Yisroel forbade these type of discussions.

  • Sholem

    Al tivtach bo, you dont know what you are talking about. The book says that it is insane to believe Yushke was god. It says yushke followed halacha and the christians lied about his life story and changed it, and it says he delusionally thought he was the messiah.

    Any j4j who reads this may very likely be convinced by Boteach’s arguments that yushke was just some guy and christianity is a lie. This book in NO WAY supports christianity. All this book does is informs christians, that they are making a mistake by being christians. Shmuley is doing good here and all you haters out there dont know what you are talking about. You’re all going to have to answer to Hashem for spreading your hate and lies without even verifying facts.

  • To Sruly

    No need to defend Big Shmuely. He LOVES this. He loves controversy, and he is getting what he loves.

    Look 58 comments and counting – and that’s just on! This all translates into big publicity, which translates into big money, which translates into fame, which translates into more publicity and then more money. Money. Fame. Publicity. Fame, Publicity, money.

    A Jew has to make a living. Shmuely decided to do by selling crosses. Nu, a parnassah is a parnassah.

  • To Sholem

    He makes a book called Kosher Jesus, and WE’RE filled with hate?

    Do you know your history, Sholem?

    Forget what in it. The title itself is a desecration to the hundreds of thousands of Kedoshim who were murdered and violated in the name of J. And Now we have a book called Kosher J? Imagine if someone came out with a book called Kosher KKK?

    What SHmuely did is beyond, beyond, the pale. It matters not what his intentions were. As the old adage goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions…

    Hashem Yerachem.

  • Al tivtach bo

    Sholem, there are leftist and Arab groups who will pay you far more for shilling than Shmuley can (assuming you are not a relative).

    This book and all of Shmuley’s nonsense are a busha vecherpa.

    Unlike you, I happen to have the academic credentials to understand exactly what Boteach is trying to prove as well as to know that he used very unreliable sources. I’ve heard it all before, and it just won’t wash.

    Any j4j who reads this will only get one thing out of it – that just as Riskin from Efrat said, oiso haish was a “rabbi” from whom we can and should learn.

    I have read just as much convincing evidence that the oiso haish of the notzri bible never existed. However, it isn’t my business to decide whether notzrus is shituf for bnei Noiach. Last time I checked, I am not the head of the Sanhedrin or even a delegate.

    Maybe Boteach’s next self-appointment will be to the moribund self-appointed Sanhedrin in EY, where he can ride in on a white donkey and announce his kingship.

  • Genug shoyn mit Boteach

    Moshiach is HERE. I even davened next to him a few times. Older Chossid from Samarkand, short and kind of dark-skinned, lives on Lefferts or at least davens and uses the mikve there…..I even asked him “Ir iz Reb Moshiach?” and he answered me in the affirmative.

    Boteach, you’re 70-odd years too late!

  • Sholem

    Ok #60, forget that the book may help bring Jews back from christianity, and save their neshamas from being lost from the Jewish people. Forget that it may strengthen and protect from christianity those yidden that no religious jew has ever taught torah to. Lets just focus on the title and call it a chillul Hashem because we dont like the way it sounds. The title is what gets christians and jews lost to christianity to read the book and rethink their beliefs. Its no chillul Hashem, and it doesnt desecrate the memory of anyone just because you say it does. If anything the book is a kiddush Hashem for all the Jews it will help. You don’t know what you’re talking about. It is a title that mocks christianity, and you are really closeminded if you can’t see what Shmuley is doing here.

  • Insanity

    Yankel and Chaim are sitting in an insane asylum.

    Yankel says to Chaim “I am J”
    Chaim replies “No you’re not”

    Yankel asks “why not”?

    Chaim replies “Because I am G-d and I didn’t have no kids!”

  • Laughin- out loud

    Sholem, are you related to Boteach? On his payroll? You must be, you’re sounding so desperate to make us change our minds & accept this apikorsus with open arms. When hell freezes over, baby!

  • Sholem

    Al tivtach, what you write is so foolish. If I disagree with you I am automatically shilling?

    You know nothing about my academic credentials. And you say you think you know what Shmuley is trying to prove, but did you even read the book? If you didnt then why are you giving an opinion based on assumptions?

    J4j have more than enough quotes and ammunition that they use to ensnare lost Jews. They don’t need a quote from Boteach to do what they do, and this book is not going to change or help them at all, they already have plenty of tools and tricks to use. And its not Shmuleys fault if someone lies and takes a quote of his out of context and uses it to deceive others. If anything this book will help and guide lost and uneducated Jews away from christianity and back to torah. Al tivtach, your conclusions are so very faulty.

  • Hey, Mr. Sholem

    Hey, Mr. Sholem

    It may, it may, it may. Maybe.

    Much more likely, it will be useful tool for Jews for J. It will confuse lost Jews even more.

    However, it will make Shmuely rich, and that is a good thing. A Jew does need to make a parnassah. If you would at least be honest and say that’s why its a good thing, we can debate if its a Kosher way to earn a living.

  • Al tivtach bo

    Sholem, give it up already.

    We all suspect that you are either a relative or a paid shill – or just doing the Boteach thing and looking for attention.

    j4j even uses Chabad meshichist material to fool people. However, the real danger is that the book gives comfort and support to a Yid who is considering getting involved with j4j, or even for a Yid who is about to intermarry and is worried about having to participate in his or her spouse’s religious observances. Kosher j = KASHERING j = metaher a sheretz as far as we are concerned. Kosher s = KASHERING borderline perversion and the author’s own obsessions = metaher a sheretz.

    If he called it J the Jew, that would be bad but passable, and the historical research would still be questionable as it is one big apology for notzrus.

    I read several reviews of the book and I know what’s inside. I don’t need to read the whole thing, just as I never read more than a paragraph or two of Hitchens or Dawkins, or any of the L. Ron Hubbard Diuretics or whatever they are called books or the Chara Kishka “holy” books.

    I would no sooner read it than I would read his first disgusting “kosher” book because his treyf reputation, both ideologically and in business, precedes him.

  • BoteachMakesGoodPoints

    All Rabbi B is saying is that OTHERS made J into a getchke and he DEBUNKS that! He sais that their KEY ‘writer’ galech, never met J! Therefore their entire book is SHTUSEM!
    So, what’s wrong with that? Many good Yidden (beside Yaakov Uveenu) were afraid that others might make them into a getchke. Unfortunately, in the case of J, it takeh happened.
    This is the OPPOSITE of what the missionaries are saying.
    Please give SB a break.

  • yankel

    next book: Kosher pork
    next book: Kosher idolatry
    Next book: (in response to Rabbi wolf’s criticism:)Kosher Apikursos
    final book: Kosher atheism
    then he takes of his beard and yarmulka and becomes a priest the a cardinal, the a pope and then he tells the christians that he has another book: “Why a good christian should not believe in G-d”
    Or maybe: (like the famous story) he will stay Religious, because there is no one to get angry by not being one”.

  • NL

    Yankel, not bad. But how about: Kosher terrorism, Kosher prostitution, Kosher adultery, Kosher intermarriage

  • Not a Blind Sheep to Any Religion

    J was not a self hating Jew. In the New Testament, he was not happy with much that was going on, with the sycophantic attitudes of those around him. He related to those who were suffering and preached about loving your fellow person, davening with heart instead of just mindlessly reciting for the sake of obligation. He preached against hypocrisy.

    I think much is misunderstood about him by Christians and Jews. His words were taken out of context, most likely mistranslated (there are many translations) over the ages and he did not mean to claim to be a messiah but that through his teachings, people could find salvation, a path to G-d. The first Christians were JEWS.

    Is this not true? If you subtract all of the negative things that have happened, what about the good? How many people are there living righteous lives today because of this Jew who was attempting to reach out to those who were Gentiles, OTD or alienated in general? Many Christian organizations are funded by charity and it helps a lot of people.

    The fact is, he was a simple Jew trying to reach out to others with fundamental Judaism akin to Noachidism. He was not a bad person.

    He was NOT responsible for the crusades. How could he be? He was dead! Even the self-professed Christians killed other Christians who they thought were gaining in more popularity.

    If you’re going to complain about Christianity, at least know what the hell you’re complaining about at least in terms of FACTUAL HISTORY that doesn’t require you to read the NT. It’s like the blind leading the blind around here.

    You can rant about all the death that came from Christianity but how about all the bloodshed from Judaism? There is plenty of genocide in the Tanach but it’s OK just because Hashem apparently said so? Suuuuuuuure.

  • Now this guy is a luni.

    Help him right now. Anything for attention. Even apikursis. Needs to be put in cherem.

  • yossi

    Boteach is finally addressing what has been the most destructive lie in jewish history. its a necessary and unique achievement. dont attck the man who was finally brave enough to stand up to this. i tell you this: in day (hopeflly soon!) your tiny minds will be able to wrap themselves around this revolutionary book and its shlaich of an author. because a true shliach is a hero, ready to stand up for truth no matter the slack he gets for it!

  • Al tivtach bo

    The j who Boteach describes most probably did not exist. He did not do his homework, nor did he care to, because he only wants to sell books. Enough trolling and shilling please.

  • You are A FRAUD

    That man have you learnt the rebbe’s sicha about Halacha Eisov soneh leyaakov and Why its HALACHA our friends theyd burn you first stop sucking up to try and fit into the goyishe enviorment you crave so much just shave your beard like matisyahu and go join J for J or Zalman Shachter Shalomi you are a fraud stay away from our communities nobody wants you around heretic

  • Asur livtoiach benedivim

    Coming soon:

    Kosher Arms Trade
    Kosher Barry Gurary

    vehamayvin yavin

  • Leah needs some facts please

    Seriously, everyone calls him Rabbi Boteach” but WHOSE rabbi IS he? Is he even officially affiliated with Chabad? Is he a shliach? Is he authorized to use chabad’s name for jewish outreach?

  • Arieh

    I have not read this book, nor do I intend to. But I beg to ask: What business does he (and we, the Jews) have in “interfering” with other religions, cultures, etc..? What purpose will it serve? To create more machlokeses and confusion? Aren’t there enough concepts in our own religion to expound upon and apply to everyday life? Seriously.

  • Contemporay diagnosis of ?? disorder

    I’ve met several people who say they’re Moshiach. I wonder what this really means in contemporary society. It has deeper significance than what we perceive. Maybe the psychiatrists can figure it out.

  • My two cents

    If I were Jews for J (r”l), I would pay Boteach to write it, because even if I disagreed with the content of book, it serves a purpose of weakening the defenses of Jews against yoshkeh.

  • Ready to Puke

    It seems Boteach is trying to imitate J. — just look at the picture, his hand is stretched out just like the hand of J. depicted on the cover of his book in the background. Sad.

    “And the fact that J thought of himself as the messiah shouldn’t bother Jews, he insists: “I could declare myself the messiah right now. There’s nothing blasphemous about this,” Boteach said.”

    —- Shouldn’t bother Jews?! I’m ready to puke. Very sad indeed. This guy is totally Meshugena.

  • Waiting for the next book


    I think an even better book and title to attract attention would be Kosher Homosexuality…

  • Ready to Puke - even more

    I just saw a clearer picture of the book cover at another internet site. It seems to be intended to show a live “resurrected” J. after being crucified, complete with blood on the palm of his hand… So according to Boteach it is Kosher to believe that he was resurrected?! This is pure garbage. Very Very Sick indeed. Shumley, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on you!

  • Boteach Moshiach

    At last Shmuly is starting to come out of the closet…

    Yechi Shmuly Moshiach!

  • mendoza

    could someone please post his full hebrew name and his mothers name please ………….. we must pray for this lost soul

  • ???

    this is a illness…if sm1 claimed 2 b gd they be put into a mental home….wats wrong with this world why is this guy on the loose?????!!!