Quake Measuring 4.2 Felt Across Israel
An earthquake measuring 4.2 on the Richter Scale was felt for several seconds across Israel on Sunday, shortly before midday.
The U.S. Geological Survey placed the epicenter of the tremblor in the Mediterranean Sea, 71 km northwest of Tel Aviv and 80 km west-southwest of Haifa.
The quake was primarily felt in the Lower Galilee, the Haifa bay, Ra’anana, Petah Tikva and other parts of the coastal plain.
Israel sits on the sensitive Syrian-African fault line, and experts have been warning for the last few years that the country should expect a major quake in the near future.
The last major earthquake in the region was in July 1927, when 300 people were killed in Jerusalem and Jericho. Prior to that, a quake measuring seven on the Richter Scale killed around 4,000 people in 1837.
didn’t they just take out god out of the military prayer
“When Hashem remembers how His children are living in pain amongst the nations of the world, He sheds two tears into the Great [Mediterranean] Sea, and the reverberation of it is heard from one end of the world to the other; this is an earthquake.” (Berachos 59a)
How appropriate for the Nine Days! This should motivate us to each do our part to bring Moshiach and thereby prevent Hashem from having to shed any more tears on our behalf.