Parents of Slain Hassidic Boy Set Up Charity


The family of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky, a Brooklyn boy who was abducted and dismembered last week, has set up a new charity website, under the banner of “Coping with Grief by Doing Good.”

The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund hopes to raise $1 million for needy children and families.

The website shows photos of Leiby as a baby and a toddler and says donations “will accomplish all the wonderful things that Leiby would have achieved – had he lived.”

“Your gift to the Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund will mean that all the hope and promise that was lost through Leiby’s death will be revived through all the kindness and generosity that will be done in his memory,” it read.

Leiby’s parents, Nachman and Esty Kletzky, promise on the website that the fund will help young orphans, children at risk, poor parents, critically ill young children and more.

Leiby’s suspected kidnapper, Levi Aron, was indicted Wednesday on charges of murder. He’s previously pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Police say Leiby got lost leaving day camp and asked the suspect for help before he was killed last week.

Prosecutors allege he lured Leiby Kletzky to his home after the little boy got lost while walking home from a day camp and asked him for help.

Detectives later found the boy’s severed feet, wrapped in plastic, in Aron’s freezer, as well as a cutting board and three bloody carving knives. The rest of the boy’s body was discovered in bags inside a red suitcase in a trash bin.

The medical examiner said earlier Wednesday that Leiby was given a cocktail of painkillers and muscle relaxants before he was smothered.

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said they were still investigating whether there were any other incidents in Aron’s past.