Tyson and Malamud to Open Kosher Resturant
Mike Tyson is in talks with Moshe Malamud of the Franklin Mint to launch a high-end restaurant chain, a source said. The two talked shop at Malamud’s favorite kosher eatery, Solo, on Madison Avenue.
Tyson, who announced his decision to follow a strict vegan diet last spring, is said to have interest in breaking into the kosher-food business.
“They discussed the concept as well as the name, but nothing was finalized,” a rep for Solo said. Tyson’s rep had no comment.
Chen Goodman
It’s about time Tyson goes Kosher!!
laugh or cry?
We’re supposed to be impressed? Such Nachas for Mr. Malamud’s family. Tyson, of the ear-biting, wife-abusing, drug-taking, jailbird fame as his partner? How nice. What a kovod for Chabad.
Move over, Basil. And we thought that was a problem! Ha Ha!
Stay out of the food biz
Is mike or Moshe a CHEF??? Why would their restaurant be any good???
chaim yankel
is this news how low can you get i just spoke to tyson last week and he said he he is broke and has no money!!!!!!!!! he is chapter 7 now ???
B”H Big TYSON fan
concerned mashgiach
i feel bad for the mshgiach that tries to tell tyson he is doing something wrong
And on the Menu
A rare delicacy of pickeled ears. Served by an abused waitress, and if you don’t pay your bill you will get a gezuntah punch and then escorted off to jail, don’t worry, Mike knows the way really well.
Andrea Schonberger
Why do business with such a person as Mike Tyson? His reputation should speak for itself or is Mr. Malamud so desparate for an investor that he’ll do business with anyone who flashes money?
why his picture on this site ? do you know what he was in prison for?!
I hear there will be a special vegan choice, holifield ear of corn salad! The man is a total loser. Even his name wont sell.
Hungry girl
I’m all for new Kosher restaurants, so bring it on!!! m
well near jordan’s steakhouse there will be a good place called Professor Mike’s Fast Food Joint where you can take your time if you got any because most people are realizing we are all merely guests in mike’s world
so the question is Who is the mike for you ?
Of course I’m with the mike go-d is with,
On the menu is “Bless the bread of this joint or I will make you my servant”
So MASTER mike how are you boring peoples ears recently~*!&~*&!~*~*~*&!NO IT ISN’T A PUNCHLINE!*&~*!NEW YORK DOESN’T NEED ANOTHER RESTAURANT~*&!*~THE WEST WANTS IT*~&!*!~*&!*~*&!
Rolling my eyes
Is he holding mussels or clams/shellfish??? And btw….is this supposed to be exciting news???Another Lubavitcher is pairing up with the “best”that the human race has to offer???
The name of the eatery should be, “Left Hook,” under the supervision of “Umpire Kosher.”
Alan Pinchuk
its a well known fact that Tyson is broke. He actually filed for bankrupcy. So Moshe is the money behind this operation and Tyson is the brains. What does that say about Moshe?
number 9
ha ha I like number eight’s comment !!!
good one
#2 and #7 LOL
Russian Boxer
I hope Moshe doesn’t get his ear bit off….
Why can’t Moshe Melamud find a more respectable partner to go into business with?
Is this a joke?
This doesnt seem right. Has anyone confirmed this story. Seems very odd. Either way, I am sure that Moshe is laughing all the way to the bank. As a shliach that receives the living torah compliments of Moshe I am happy for him either way as i know the shluchim will benefit. Hatzlacha.
Why the negativity?
Your all so good at writing how bad people are. Just read your own comments and see what a lousy, grouchy bunch you all are.
What did Tyson go to prison for?
meir rhodes
the best investment for moshe is tzdaka. the returns are terrific and the rewards eternal, especially when connected to eretz isroel.the risk factor.. none.
As a chabad website, you would think, that YOU would think before you put up news!
the real money says
open a disney island or something
Moshe is a great guy and big baal chesed
Did anyone ask if this is true. it sounds very funny. Moshe helps lots of people and i’m sure no one asks where he makes his money when asking for a donation. As Lubavitchers we should proud when a fellow chosid makes money especially when he gives. I dont know why this story is even news but best of luck to all chasidim to help other chasidim. Yanky L.
Scared Mashgiach
I would not want to be mashgiach at that restaurant
To Meir
Maybe they’ll open in the Gush….
u know who i am!
Tyson?! i wouldn’t keep my ears open for that one! ask evander holyfield…
Marketing and Branding Expert
What this amounts to is just creative branding. Malamud (wrongly in my professional opinion) thinks that the notoriety attached to Mike Tyson will get him attention in the crowded restaurant field. What he will get from that is a very crowded grand opening followed by a very quiet not so grand closing a few months later as Tyson proves a liability and Malamud finds something better to do with the money he already has.
Of course, considering that the super-menuval Tyson has or had a pet tiger, they could just do a parody on the name of Wolf and Lamb – something like “Tiger and Ear”.
I neither predict nor, unfortunately, can I wish them success. The klipa of Mike Tyson has no place attached to the kedusha of kashrus, and frankly Tyson is the day before yesterday’s news.
I sincerely hope that this is just a way for Moshe Malamud to get some coverage for something else he has planned; if so it is an unusual and creative way to get that coverage and I wish Moshe much success in whatever real venture he has planned. It could also be “rabois machshavois belev ish” – an idea he has, discusses, plans and then dismisses as Hashem presents a more appropriate way for Moshe to succeed.
As for the restaurant – better to team up with Paula Abdul or even Madonna!!!:))!