(L-R) Kochava Even Chaim HYD, Yitzhak and Talya Imes HYD, Avishai Shindler HYD

The victims of todays terror attack are a husband and wife, parents of six, and two passengers. Their names were cleared for publication Tuesday night by local police:

Three Families Torn in Todays Terror Attack

(L-R) Kochava Even Chaim HYD, Yitzhak and Talya Imes HYD, Avishai Shindler HYD

The victims of todays terror attack are a husband and wife, parents of six, and two passengers. Their names were cleared for publication Tuesday night by local police:

* Yitzhak and Talya Imes
* Kochava Even Chaim
* Avishai Shindler

The four were all citizens of Beit Haggai.

Yitzhak and Talya Imes were the parents of six children, the eldest one being 24 years old and the youngest one being a year and a half old. Talya Imes was nine months pregnant when she was killed by the terrorists.

A Zaka volunteer who arrived on the scene broke down in tears when he neared the car and discovered that one of the victims was his wife. The IDF is combing the area, searching for the terrorists.

One of the victims had a license for a gun that was suspended shortly before the attack. Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Marzel said at the scene that serious soul-searching must be done “in order to find out how it is that Jews are deprived of the basic right to defend themselves.”

Hamas took “credit” for the terror attack, while PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad condemned the attack and said that it is against Arab interests. Fayyad added that the PA will act to prevent additional acts of terror.

IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi arrived on the scene of the attack along with Head of Central Command Major General Avi Mizrahi and Judea and Samaria Commander Brig.-Gen. Nitzan Alon. The three performed an evaluation of the situation.

Ashkenazi said: “There is no doubt that this is a very difficult event. First, we express our condolences to the victims’ families and to Beit Hagai. We are working in several directions since the event occurred and will continue to act until we capture the terrorists. IDF along with other security agencies continue to operate until we capture the murderers who were responsible for this incident. ”

The terror attack is typical of Arab “resistance” attacks that intentionally target civilian victims. A survey carried out by a PA organization in early August found that among the Arab public in the Palestinian Authority, over 55% view violence as either essential or desirable, nearly 31% see it as either acceptable or tolerable, and only 13.7% say it is unacceptable.

The attack was probably timed to coincide with and affect the direct talks between Israel and the PA in Washington, D.C., that are to begin Thursday. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said upon landing in Washington that the talks would proceed as planned, despite the murders.


  • Boruch Dayan Emes


  • CHECK THIS OUT!!! Read on Yahoo


    “over 3,000 gathered to celebrate in Gaza…PURE ANIMALS!!! AND THIS IS WHO THEY WANT TO TALK PEACE WITH?????My opinion…talk peace..as they r talking sendmissiles in and flatten the LEVEL THE PLACE..the world will scream???SO WHAT??? Its not as if Israelisn’t condemned for every pathetic attemp it makes at keeping its citiens safe anyways!!!

  • a jew

    iam so mad that natenyahu is on his way here to the usa to speak to all our enemys why didnt he fly back to the levaya so he could show the world that when one jew hurts we all hurt .how dare he make a point after this incident to come right away here how dare he . all jews should protest against him, while hes here. can someone put that together? he is making beleive that this was an iosolated incident and the rebbe said even when you talk about giving land you are putting jews in danger. all these poor orphans see is that there govt abandond them we should show them and the other families that there not alone. may mashiach come soon.

  • Out of Towner

    I don’t care what firearm you prefer – just have one and know how to use it – teach your family members also – be responsible and lock it up so that young children don’t get to it.