<%image(20090325-izzy-obm.jpg|525|299|Izzy OBM)%>
Izzy in his small cluttered office, which was the passing ground for hundreds of records. Photo by Sruly Meyer.

Tuesday morning came the sad news of the very untimely passing of Izzy (Itzchak Moshe) Taubenfeld OBM, owner and president of the Jewish music production company ‘Sameach Music’.

Recently, Izzy suffered from Yenem Machalah, which today claimed his life at the young age of 55 leaving behind a family, hundreds of friends and tens of thousands that he inspirited and made happy through the music he produced and promoted. Izzy was described as a man who stopped at nothing to help others and make sure they were happy, and a bright smile never left his face.

Jewish Music World Mourns Passing of Izzy Taubenfeld OBM

<%image(20090325-izzy-obm.jpg|525|299|Izzy OBM)%>

Izzy in his small cluttered office, which was the passing ground for hundreds of records. Photo by Sruly Meyer.

Tuesday morning came the sad news of the very untimely passing of Izzy (Itzchak Moshe) Taubenfeld OBM, owner and president of the Jewish music production company ‘Sameach Music’.

Recently, Izzy suffered from Yenem Machalah, which today claimed his life at the young age of 55 leaving behind a family, hundreds of friends and tens of thousands that he inspirited and made happy through the music he produced and promoted. Izzy was described as a man who stopped at nothing to help others and make sure they were happy, and a bright smile never left his face.

Many heavyweights from the Jewish Music world gathered in the Schwartz Brothers Chapel in Queens for a Hesped and the Levaya, among those seen attending were singers and musicians who included Avraham Fried, Lipa Shmeltzer, Yossi Piamenta, Yisroel Williger, Avremi G, Yossi Green, Shloime Gertner, Naftali Olivestone, Shloime Dachs and many others.

The ‘Sameach Music’ label was the frontrunner at bringing Jewish music in to Jewish homes, and has been the promoter of many Lubavitcher artists such as Avraham Fried, Chanale Felig-Harel, Zalman Goldstein, 8th Day, Benny Friedman’s upcoming CD and Leibel Cohen of Agent Emes.


  • ISchier



    A very good and honest man.

    I no longer remember the exact circumstances but somehow Sameach made an error in a shipment to me and when I notified Izzy A”H (who was a very hands on manager) it was immediately made more than right – I ended up with 2 copies of the DVD in question.

    When I let him know that I had 2 copies and wanted to return one, he would hear nothing of it and told me to keep the second one.

  • former employee

    I used to see him by Judaica world hand delivering cd orders. Always a smile. We should learn from him. Smile more.

  • Martin

    Izzy was the “KING OF JEWISH DVD”….. how many countless weddings, simchas etc. were made possible because of this hidden musical tzaddik. Zichron L’Bracha and Yoisher Melitz to guntze yiddin’.
    Continue to Tunce, yidden, tunce…b-biyas Moshiach.

  • NameWitheld

    Izzy made so much happen and he allowed for Jewish Music to thrive because of his passion and love for music and simcha.

    Izzy’s joy in life would be to do a favor for another. He never asked for anything in return. I hope if the only good that comes out of such a terrible tragedy, a terrible, terrible tragedy, it should be that this Tzadik’s legacy is publicized to the world.

    We need more Izzy’s.

  • chaya pushka

    Sameach is really what he was. he was truly full of happiness always. this was a man who loved life because he could make others happy. i am very good friends with his daughter and i see this same outstanding midah, of being always b’simchah! This is a tremendous loss to klal Yisroel. He never said anything to hurt anyone he was truly amazing. We all should strive to reach that goal of being b’simcha always even through the toughest of times…

  • DR. Moshe Akerman

    Izzy was my cousin. The real story is what you didn’t write. He epitomized what being a mentch means. Always a smile and a kind word; always judging everyone favorably; never looking at any type of Jew as better or worse; respectful of minhagim, all rabonim from every chug, etc. I would like to rephrase what name wihthhel wrote and say that–
    The Jewish world needs ALL OF US TO BE MORE LIKE IZZY!

  • Moshe Shipkin

    I was not zoche to meet Izzy A”H, but I knew of him because my daughter is friends with one of his daughters.My heart goes out to his family, who should only know from simchas from now on. I know for sure that there is a lot less simcha in the world today because Izzy A’H is no longer with us.When people say that there are no tzaddikim in the world, they didn’t know Izzy. His pure , simchadike neshoma is now spreading joy through song in the olam ha-emess. May he be a melitz yosher for his family and K’lal Yisroel.