Rabbi Kluger

Jerusalem, Israel — Last Friday afternoon the phone rang in the offices of Yad Leachim in Jerusalem. The person on the other line asked to speak to Rabbi Binyamin Kluger (a Lubavitcher Chosid who lives in Jerusalem and is part of the anti-missionary department in Yad L'achim). When Rabbi Kluger took the call the person introduced himself as Hannania C. a member of a missionary cult in “Mevaseres malchus” that is headed by Mr Shimon Nochum, who threatened Rabbi Kluger with his life.

Lubavitcher Life Threatened

Rabbi Kluger

Jerusalem, Israel — Last Friday afternoon the phone rang in the offices of Yad Leachim in Jerusalem. The person on the other line asked to speak to Rabbi Binyamin Kluger (a Lubavitcher Chosid who lives in Jerusalem and is part of the anti-missionary department in Yad L’achim). When Rabbi Kluger took the call the person introduced himself as Hannania C. a member of a missionary cult in “Mevaseres malchus” that is headed by Mr Shimon Nochum, who threatened Rabbi Kluger with his life.

He told Rabbi Kluger: “I want you to stop mixing into other people’s lives.” When Rabbi Kluger asked him what he was referring to, he replied angrily, “there are a lot of people in our community who want to convert to Judaism at the rabbinate and you are preventing them from doing so.”

Many members of the missionary groups appeal to the Rabbinate with all kinds of fraudulent excuses why they want to convert to Judaism. That way these missionaries later obtain citizenship as a result of the Law of Return and are free to set up base in Israel and engage in missionary activities. Yad L’Achim is doing everything possible to thwart this move and to expose them.

Rabbi Kluger, in the past he himself was a missionary in France. As a senior missionary he was instructed to be very active mainly in the Jewish community since they are the “chosen people,” and it is most important to get them to convert to Christianity. He started to observe and learn about Judaism but in the end he decided to convert to Judaism himself. He started his conversion process with Rabbi Dahan in northern France and concluded it Halachically with Rabbi Ezra Batzri in Jerusalem. Today he heads the missionary department at Yad L’Achim and helps counter these missionaries.

After the missionary on the phone finished his complaints, Rabbi Kluger explained to him the deception, conniving tricks and lies they employ at the rabbinate, a ploy that runs against the missionary belief itself. At that point the voice on the other line started threatening: “I advise you be careful because we are going to deal with you gradually.

Rabbi Kluger told him that his threats will not deter Yad L’Achim from combatting the missionaries. The missionary on the other line said: ”After we deal with you we will deal with your children,  they will die one by one.“

Yad L’Achim is very concerned about the missionaries’ physical violence, which exposes their true colors. Rabbi Sholom Ber Lifshitz, Chairman of Yad L’Achim instructed Rabbi Kluger to report the threat of murder to the police.

Rabbi Lifshitz said, ”there is no doubt that Rabbi Kluger’s success is a result of his experience when he worked as a missioanry himself, he is well acquainted with their deceiving tactics, and this drives them out of their minds. But,“ he added, ”the authorities have to act fast before it is too late.”


  • Chani

    Oy! Hashem! Please save us from this deap dark golus!!!
    WE NEED MOSHIACH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • WOW

    This is one scary situation. Be careful, Rabbi Kluger!

    Can the police give him protection?

  • Boruch benTzvi (A H) haKohaine Hoffinger

    Hashem, Gibor, will protect the wonderful rabbi.
    Perhaps learn Abir self-defence?
    "… ki amanu Kale!"

  • withheld

    I personally know of a lubavitch child that was helped by Yad L’achim in Israel – they go above and beyond their call of duty in this respect.
    thank you for your work.

  • friend of Yad l-achim

    Rabbi kluger, B"H for people like you, HaShem should protect you and bless you and help you in your mission!

  • we support you rabbi

    go for it rabbi. know that the whole lubavitch and jewish population support you. may gd watch over his children , gaurding them and protecting them.gd bless you.

  • Mida Kneged Mida tacitcs

    It seems that it is known
    who these missionaries are.
    If CH"V their threats are
    real, what’s stopping us from
    teaching them a lesson
    as a deterrant…?

  • Moshe

    Baruch Ben Tzvi, interesting, I just read about Abir self defense. Can you put up more info about it.

  • Gershon Shapiro

    Don’t trust the police to actually do their job with a "chareidi" It is wise to obtain private security to ensure no harm comes to him his family or any one with Yad L’achim I am sure the Aibishiter will do his part To protect him but we must not rely on Miracles or the "anti Daati Police"

  • John Zomer


    Oy indeed!! Please be careful Rabbi!

    It’s a really disgusting world, the missionaries. Today I read that an American Evangalical couple was ordered to leave Israel. They were being accused of missionary-activities.

    The Israeli goverment must continue to act like this: deport missionaries. They are only to harm the Jewish people. Nothing more!!

    Beezrat HaShem I will convert to Judaism aswell. I hope I will become an inspiration for other Jews to do Teshuva and return to HaShem.

    Honestly I were thinking about volunteering at Yad L’Achim or any other anti-missionairy-organisations in Israel… Maybe in the future…