At the scene of the accident Tuesday, August 2nd 2007.

Los Angeles, CA — A woman was in custody Tuesday in lieu of $250,000 bail for allegedly driving a truck that fatally injured a man in West Hollywood, authorities said. Lindsay Rae Ellingsworth, 27, was arrested Monday at her office in Century City and booked for “hit-and-run causing death,” said Deputy Denise Fuchs of the Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau.

Woman Arrested In Fatal Hit-And-Run In West Hollywood

At the scene of the accident Tuesday, August 2nd 2007.

Los Angeles, CA — A woman was in custody Tuesday in lieu of $250,000 bail for allegedly driving a truck that fatally injured a man in West Hollywood, authorities said. Lindsay Rae Ellingsworth, 27, was arrested Monday at her office in Century City and booked for “hit-and-run causing death,” said Deputy Denise Fuchs of the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.

Ellingsworth allegedly was driving a truck that fatally injured Yisroel Woontelier, 23, as he was holding a car door open at Fountain Avenue at Kings Road on Aug. 2, Fuchs said.

Woontelier died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center a week later, she said.

Authorities last week released video from a security camera at a nearby apartment building that showed the accident and sought public help to find the damaged truck.

Ellingsworth was arrested after detectives visited her Temple City home and found a truck that she was believed to have been driving at the time of the collision, Fuchs said.


  • cali resident

    How sad,, the whole story is ludicrous, I hope they make a korbon out of her,,, prosecute her to the limit.

  • Fry her

    Hope she gets EVERYTHING she deserves, and then some.

    Such a tragedy & a waste. And to just take off…that’s horrible. I believe in the death penalty but she won’t get more than a slap on the wrist, it’s California.

    Lots of frum Jews should show up at her trial, show the court that we’re ayn mishpacha.

  • someone

    even though it wont bring their son back maybe this will be of some comfort to the family

  • yanki

    wow thats good to know – at least *some* part of the story has a happy ending…

  • Rach

    BH they found this woman. It’s inconcievable that a person should run after this sort of thing happens. I hope they take her for all she’s worth, and send her to jail for the rest of her life.

  • another point of veiw !

    the only reasone why someone would run after hitting a persone is that there so in shock of what they did that they killed someone or hurt someone (g-d forbid) that they run away –i mean c’mon what would you do if your a blae of doing something so horrible -youd most probualy fun away!!!!

  • other point of veiw

    of course im not saing that that persone who runs away was rite !

  • n/a

    ppl the point is a life is not replaceable so wtvr she gets he wont come back to this world but iyh we will all be together when moshich comes

  • from los angelesss

    frst of allt ehy wont give her life in jail….becuz it was an accident i am assuming….if she was going over the speed limit then she can be sentenced to a couple years, if she was drinking possibly more….but otherwise she prob will get off with bail, i cnt belive that she drove away like tht….if she wouldve pulled over to see what happened and was decent i would thnk that accidents happen…..btw in LA sometimes the parking spots are way to close to oncoming traffic and i really thnk tht ppl sohould be more careful about tht…anyways BARUCH DAYAN EMES….MAY HE REST IN PEACE.

  • Boruch ben Tzvi haKohaine Hoffinger

    Tears and more tears for the family. We hope to see Yisroeli again.

  • berel k

    Always nice to see legal experts dishing out life sentences and death penalties.
    Is there anyone who knows what the maximum penalty for hit and run causing death is in cali? And what the chances are it can be applied under the present circumstances?

  • chrup!

    i hope she goes away for a loooooong looong time. she deserves whatever they can charge her with and then some. they should definitely make an example of her

  • scorpio

    NYPD should be ashamed, the killer of Ephraim Klein (HY"D) still walks the streets of NY, they didn’t even want to follow leads they were given about it! I know this first hand….

  • LA resident

    Hit and Run in California if it causes death has a minimum of 90 days to a maximum of 4 years in state prison.

  • Wait a minute!

    Talk about Arei Miklat. If that woman was reading our comments, I think she’d run there before you can say "We don’t have them until Moshiach comes." I agree with "Another point of view" that perhaps she was in shock, and very ashamed, and therefore did not (think of) pull(ing) over. Of course, that’s extremely wrong of her.
    And Berel K has a very good point, too.

  • Jean

    I feel very saddened for all of Izzy’s family and friends who mourn him. I would be very angry at any person who caused such a tragedy to one of my family members. I do hope, however, that I eventually could forgive the person who caused this death. I am sure that Lindsay and her family are all hurting and feeling ashamed as well. Look at the picture of Lindsay. She looks miserable. She will have to live with this the rest of her life. She probably wishes she could die herself. My prayers go out to Izzy’s family and Lindsay and her family as well.

  • Concerned

    I worked with her and she came into work for 2 weeks after she hit Izzy, let me clarify a couple of things firstly she did not seem upset at all (not a care in the world) secondly she told her friend at work that she thinks she hit something, but was not sure and thirdly she had been out drinking all night at the same friends birthday party at the pink taco. don’t feel bad for her, she new what she did she just tried to cover it up, but thank goodness she got caught t least for that poor boys families sake!