URGENT: Auto Dealers Push to Get Rid of Your Auto Broker
Auto Dealers have been enjoying the higher prices brought about by the recent shortage of cars, and are aiming to keep those prices high for the future. By getting rid of your auto Broker, such as a leasing agent, they plan to create a monopoly allowing them to charge the consumer whatever they want.
The greater New York Auto Dealers Association is trying to push a bill through the New York Legislature TODAY that will effectively put all leasing companies and auto Brokers out of business.
If you are enjoying the comfort, convenience and personal attention from your Auto Broker / Leasing Company and would like to have that option in the future,
Please call the Senate Majority leader, Senate Deputy Majority leader and your local Senator today to respectfully voice your opposition to BillS4332a, which will greatly affect consumers and thousands of middle-class jobs in New York state.
This is urgent as they are pushing very hard to get this bill through the assembly and senate today!
Time is of the Essence
Senate Majority Leader
518 455 2585
Senate Deputy Majority Leader
Mike Gianaris
518 455 3486
Your Local Senator
Click on link below to find your Local Senator