Ted Cruz Drops Out of Presidential Race

Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential race on Tuesday night, ending one of the best-organized campaigns of 2016 after a series of stinging defeats left Donald Trump as the only candidate capable of clinching the nomination outright.

Cruz had appeared eager to go all the way to Cleveland to contest the Republican convention, but a string of massive losses in the Northeast and his subsequent defeat in Indiana convinced his team there was no way forward.

“From the beginning I’ve said that I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory,” Cruz said, with his wife Heidi by his side. “Tonight I’m sorry to say it appears that path has been foreclosed.”

“With a heavy heart but with boundless optimism for the long-term future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign.”

Click here to continue reading at Politico.


  • Citizen Berel

    Modern man is too degenerate to select a governor the likes of him. He had detailed, articulated and actionable policies and a long admirable paper trail and the last man standing (the left has been living dead everywhere for as long as memory serves) in America selects Let’s Make America great again, Donald Trump, a man who has not and can not articulate a single coherent idea about any topic having do with governance. It was a good run, but the republic is dead, last man or thing to leave the bathroom, please remember to shut the lights.

  • Milhouse

    G-d help us all. Neither Trump nor Clinton are fit people to hold any position of trust, and yet it appears that one of them will be president. I’d rather have Clinton; at least she’s a Democrat, so they will get the blame for the ensuing disaster.

    • Pedant

      Wait what? The left is never blamed for any disaster. You don’t get any more disastery than Venezuela, which the entire world got to watch like a slow motion a car wreck and nobody who did not know what was going to happen before it happened knows now after it happened.

      Or how about the gaza expulsion or oslo generally and Jewish left only wants to double down.

      The left is a sickness that defies biyur.

      But to the point — Trump is a menuval and a light weight but there has been no indication whatever that he hates America or that he hates Israel or that he would legalize millions of mexicans or bring in thousands of MENA scum for the heck of it.

      Not to say he won’t but just that he might not, such is the state of our sorry, sorry republic.

      Now he may well plunge the world into gog umagog with his Japan should build nuclear weapons madness but that is different (and valid sevorah).

      To abstain is one thing, to prefer radical progressive figure head is another.

    • K

      Daas Torah News Flash: Lev melch byad Hashem! משלי כא א

      Note: Chazal darshened – Melech v’lo malkah!

      As such, TRump should be the Melech, not MRS. Clinton.

    • Andrea Schonberger

      Oh my! I don’t want any disasters to happen regardless of who is elected president. However, I fail to understand why neither party can nominate a top drawer candidate.

    • Citizen Berel


      I will help you out.

      The Rambam declares that the foundation of wisdom is to know that there is a first being that brings everything into being. Put simply and simplistically it means that there must be a Truth with which things are accordant or discordant insofar as they are true or untrue. That is was man means when he says that something makes sense or does not make sense, which is to say that it is line or is not in line with his or her perception of the Truth such at is. This is the edifice of the intellect.

      Modern man has rejected this first being and thus to him there is no Truth and there is no standard and there is no wisdom. This modern era is the first in human history where it is degenerate to acknowledge a higher being, or an exalted human stature.

      It’s taken some time for the world to completely unravel — it’s been moving on the fumes of the previous generations for quite some time, but it’s come undone.

      Take heart, we Jews are now as we have always been above it all and we have seen far worse.

      Shfoich chamoscha al hagoyim asher loi yedaucha.

      Moshiach now.

    • Kop Doktar

      “Shfoich chamoscha al hagoyim asher loi yedaucha” yes! While we all praveh ad dilo yada! L’chaim x3!

  • unfortunate

    even though he was right on many issues, he did not express himself in ‘ways of pleasantness.’ That should be a lesson for us, as well

    • Milhouse

      What on earth do you mean? On the contrary, he is always calm and polite, even when challenging the most arrant nonsense.

  • Next Generation

    The Trump Revolution is likely the best thing to happen to this country in many, many years. Congratulations and best wishes to him and his campaign. May Hashem help him to make America greater and better than ever before!

    Even if one has doubts about how successful Trump will be, it is absolutely obvious that Clinton, Sanders, or any other candidate that the present Democratic party might put up, would be incomparably worse, and as such they are completely unacceptable. Anyone contemplating supporting them ought to seriously have a mental health examination.

    • Pedant

      You are correct, Trump will make America great again!

      Could you, you know, maybe proffer a supporting argument for anything you claim? It’s a lot to ask, I know.

    • Pedant

      To be clear, I absolutely agree that anybody running is better than any progressive figurehead.

  • DeClasse' Intellectual

    #5, that will occur when the Republican leadership steals the nomination from Trump or runs a third party candidate
    just remember that the current Democratic administration was one of the most anti-Israel on record and neither Clinton nor Sanders has given any indication that they will reverse the Obama policy against Israel because they know that the liberal minded Jewish voter does not care about Israel, anti-Semitism but votes blindly for the Party of FDR in spite of the latter’s rabid anti-Semitism and closing the door to victims of the holacost.
    just wonder how soon in the name of political correctness either Sanders or Clinton (especially her) if elected will attempt to censor the Torah because of what we read at Mincha on Yom Kippur