New ISS Photos Shed Light on Israeli Topography

New photos posted on the Facebook page of the International Space Station (ISS) paint a detailed picture of Israeli topography. The photos—taken by NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore, commander of the current Expedition 41 to the ISS, were shot as the station passed over Israel from a height of 268 miles.

“Israel—completely clear—on X-mas morning from the International Space Station. Astronaut Barry Wilmore woke up early on Christmas to reflect upon the beauty of the Earth and snap some images to share with the world,” stated a caption that accompanied the photos.

One image shows the contrast between the Negev desert and the greener parts of Israel. Another, taken directly above the Dead Sea, shows how the world’s saltiest body of water is shrinking. A third picture shows the Sea of Galilee amid green fields and orchards.

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