Ava Cohen

Today, the city of Tucson welcomed a group of shluchim to lead its yeshiva and further Jewish awareness in the local community. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge, excitement and a strong desire to spread the Rebbe’s message throughout the city. “I’m really looking to the upcoming year,” said Ephraim Zimmerman.

Yeshiva High School of Tucson is about to begin its fourth year under the new leadership of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Tzali Wilschanski. The Yeshiva in Tucson is nestled in the heart of the city against a backdrop of sweeping mountains. Arizona’s clear skies and year-round sunshine creates an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, allowing students to earn a high school diploma in three years or less.

Shluchim Arrive In Tucson

Ava Cohen

Today, the city of Tucson welcomed a group of shluchim to lead its yeshiva and further Jewish awareness in the local community. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge, excitement and a strong desire to spread the Rebbe’s message throughout the city. “I’m really looking to the upcoming year,” said Ephraim Zimmerman.

Yeshiva High School of Tucson is about to begin its fourth year under the new leadership of Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Tzali Wilschanski. The Yeshiva in Tucson is nestled in the heart of the city against a backdrop of sweeping mountains. Arizona’s clear skies and year-round sunshine creates an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, allowing students to earn a high school diploma in three years or less.

While the Yeshiva offers students the opportunity to advance academically and embrace chassidishkeit, learning extends beyond the classroom and includes mountain hiking, field trips, Shabbatons, farbrengens with local and guest shluchim, mivtzoim, and interaction with the local Jewish community. These enhancements are considered a crucial part of the curriculum and give the Yeshiva an “edge” over similar facilities.

Yeshiva High School of Tucson’s small class sizes are led by a team of experienced, dedicated shluchim. Rabbi Wilschanski guarantees no more than ten bachurim in a class to ensure that each student receives individual attention. His goal is to allow students to develop academically, spiritually, and emotionally while enjoying the best yeshiva experience possible.

In addition to their responsibilities to the yeshiva, the Shluchim will be available to study one-on-one with members of the community, providing them with an authentic Yeshiva experience otherwise novel in this growing city. For more information contact the Yeshiva at (520) 881-7956.

A limited number of spaces are still available. For additional information and/or a registration packet contact Rabbi Tzali Wilschanski (718) 730-4396 or Rabbi Yossi Shemtov (520) 975-4489.



    let me quote

    "Yeshiva High School of Tucson’s small class sizes are led by a team of experienced, dedicated shluchim. Rabbi Wilschanski guarantees no more than ten bachurim in a class to ensure that each student receives individual attention."

    midvar sheker tirchak… if you cant fill up a class dont go around saying there will be no more then 10….to ensure….

    who are the "experienced" shluchim? a bunch of 20 year olds who just finished yeshiva themselves?

    why are we trying to fool parents, into sending their kids
    into yeshivas that their teachers have never taught before, with no hadracha ruchnis!!! these are young kids who need older truely experienced staff.
    these small high schools are poping from every corner, whos keeping an i on the chinuch?
    i was a shaliach in a certain yeshiva i wont mention, as soon as we landed they made us start teaching, we were a far cry from experienced melamdim although we tried very hard.
    this is JUST LIKE ANY OTHER JOB you cant be an engineer without going to school for engineering or a lawyer without going to law school.
    why could you be 20 or 23 and be a melamed????
    if you sit and learn till your 40 thats hands on experience, but these bochrim and yungermanim are still in their diapers in learning.


  • sd/tredy

    good going!!!
    hpoe you have a smaching time,
    moshi im not far from your howse,
    sruli i heard you did a grat job in the summer

  • mo town buchur

    the boys are moshie orimland (tzfat) shmuly friedman (ch) nussen lurie (montreal) effy zimmerman (chicago) yankie shemtov (tucson)moshe hecht (park slope) sruli richler (montreal) and levi lipskar is going there this week

  • berel m.

    hey there nusse, sruly, and effy. you guys look great, zay mekayem rotzoin hameshleiach!!! (yoou know what i mean)

  • bocher that went 2 tucson

    i just want 2 give u a bracha(because your going to need it) that the year goes well and that the yeshiva should grow in chasidishkit . please dont mess up because its the shluchaim that really make the yeshiva run.

  • From ottawa.....

    yo! effy, enjoy, have a lot of fun, i’m glad to see monsey didn’t affect youre spirit!

  • OT Bochur

    hey ottawa/y.r. how’s your spirit?
    good luck effie and yanky and shmuly the monsey tripod. take good care of the boys.

  • answer Sefer HACHINUCH

    You probably misunderstood that part of the article. When it states that the classes will be led by the shluchim, it doesn’t refer to the Shluchim it means the Shliach Rabbi Willshansky. And it’s about time that someone in lubavitch stood up and started caring and giving personalized attention for those he don’t quite fit exactly into the system. So don’t just find any excuse to bash them, give them the compliment which they deserve.

  • al ti dag

    levi lipskar is coming a little late, he was doing the rebbes work in beijing china

  • yeshivos to learn

    the long derosho sefer hachinuch wrote is 100% true but dont make it tuscan problem it could be the better of the bunch i wish just like the rabonos haroshos made a seder with gayrus someone should come along and make a seder with yeshivos i look around and i know of a good few yeshivos the the hanholo or mashpieim or roshei yeshivos that have no intrest in learning and couldnt learn a page of gemoro by them self even with artscrooll how about that worreid parrent

  • former tucson shliach

    Make sure to farbreng with Yossie Shemtov. He is a very geshmaker shliach. I was one of the shluchim there and I got a lot by spending time with. He is fullof sichus and stories and has a lot to give if you push him to farbreng

  • z&r

    Happy Birthday Nussin. You’re the tallest! Also you helpeded me buy good suits before my wedding. Also, hatzlocha rabba on your shlichus. Also you’re a good man. Always good things!
    Happy Birthday Cuz!


    The problem isn’t the mesivtas/high schools; it’s the elementary schools…
    If these "special" Yeshivahs which are opening up all over, and are filling registrations then obviously the schools where which these kids are coming from, didn’t give them the proper chinuch etc.
    The karbonos are unfortunately too high.

    If you want to take action you’ll have to start from the bottom up