At around 4:00 this afternoon a woman was held up in an elevator, the incident took place inside 441 Empire Blvd. The woman who hardly speaks English, was in the elevator with a stroller and four children, along with a black male. The black male demanded that the woman give him her money, threatening that if not he will hurt her children. The woman looked at him not understanding what he wanted. The mugger then getting frustrated just stuck his hands into her purse and grabbed stuff including money and ran.
Police were called, but bystanders who know the woman called Shomrim to come and help the woman with the report. Shomrim members then canvassed the area in search for the Mugger, but couldn’t locate him. The woman was then taken to the Precinct to look at mug shots to see if she can identify the mugger.
It’s important that residents should know that this is a problem riddled building with numerous incidents related to it, starting with the stone that was thrown at a car, to the member of Anash that was walking past pushing a stroller with his child when a stone came out one of the windows and B”H had just missed him, and this isn’t the first time such an incident had taken place in an elevator Click Here for that story.
Another Elevator Mugging on Empire Blvd.
At around 4:00 this afternoon a woman was held up in an elevator, the incident took place inside 441 Empire Blvd. The woman who hardly speaks English, was in the elevator with a stroller and four children, along with a black male. The black male demanded that the woman give him her money, threatening that if not he will hurt her children. The woman looked at him not understanding what he wanted. The mugger then getting frustrated just stuck his hands into her purse and grabbed stuff including money and ran.
Police were called, but bystanders who know the woman called Shomrim to come and help the woman with the report. Shomrim members then canvassed the area in search for the Mugger, but couldn’t locate him. The woman was then taken to the Precinct to look at mug shots to see if she can identify the mugger.
It’s important that residents should know that this is a problem riddled building with numerous incidents related to it, starting with the stone that was thrown at a car, to the member of Anash that was walking past pushing a stroller with his child when a stone came out one of the windows and B”H had just missed him, and this isn’t the first time such an incident had taken place in an elevator Click Here for that story.
It was Brooklyn Ave by the corner of Empire.
lets say he ran down the black, if you would have had video cameras on your house the police would be able to catch him or at least have A picture of him & if he would be running on Empire there is also Jewish houses.
don’t rely on the city, by video cameras & put it on your home
concerned farmer
I saw those black animals throwing things out the window today. will someone please take action????
Toishav Hashchuna
When will our leaders wake up?
How many more people need to become victims before Moshe Rubashkin and the rest of the Vaad Hakahal finally do something to help this terrible situation from spiraling out of control.
Crown and Brooklyn
I saw a man trying to stop this teenage boy who was wearing a red shirt. The boy was running up and down Brooklyn Ave b\w Crown and Carroll. In the end he ran down the alley in the middle of the block and nobody was able to catch him.
Desparate and scared
This is not funny! I’m so sick of ,literally, hearing another horror story every day…then seeing it on Crown then reading everyone’s comments about how crazy it is… the crime….
LET’S DO SOMETHING! WE MUST STAND UP FOR OURSELVES!!!! THERE SHOULD BE AN EMERGENCY MEETING THAT EVERY SINGLE JEW IN CROWN HEIGHTS SHOULD ATTEND TO DISCUSS HOW WE CAN DEFEND OURSELVES. It is obvious that we cannot rely on the NYPD… The holocaust started with people just pointing at Jews and calling them JEW, our lives are in a sacana- we see how it is only the Jews in Crown Heights that are being attacked… My fellow brother let’s do something.
their is an issur of yichud going in an elevator alone with a person so in the first place she should have walked out of the elevator but the animales should still drop dead now!!!
Who owns this hornet’s nest?
Shmulik Heber
This woman wasn’t alone, foolish fish. She went inside with all her children including a ten year old boy, which makes the situation not yichud.
Before you post your accusations first learn hilchos yichud.
to fish
she had children with her. read the article! open a shulchan aruch!