MONTREAL, Canada [CHI] — Over 500 children and parents attended the grand Chanukah Carnival on Motzoai Shabbos Chanukah, organized by the High School students of Beth Rivkah Montreal.

500 Attend Beth Rivkah Montreal Chanukah Carnival

MONTREAL, Canada [CHI] — Over 500 children and parents attended the grand Chanukah Carnival on Motzoai Shabbos Chanukah, organized by the High School students of Beth Rivkah Montreal.

“This is our 37th annual Chanukah Carnival, which attracts hundreds of children from all over Montreal”, said Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, Principal of BRM.

The children had a great time at the numerous Chanukah-themed booths and giant inflatable ride. They were also treated to an original puppet show depicting the famous story of the chossid whose life was saved, because he followed the directive of the Rebbe Rashab, to take along extra-long Chanukah candles when he travelled.

An exciting “Chanukah Game Show”, directed by Rabbi Dovid Weinbaum, of The Living Legacy, involved all the children in the Chanukah spirit.

The children recited the 12 pesukim and received Chanukah Gelt, a dreidel and cotton candy, in addition to the many valuable prizes which were won or awarded.