The Unofficial Inauguration of New Hall at Chovevei Torah

Thursday evening, Chovevei Torah (Lubavitch Yeshiva) on Eastern Parkway saw a unique event. Catered from the newly constructed kitchen, and served by a few bochurim. It was an event unlike most others; the primary purpose of this elaborate feast was for the beis medrash bochurim to bond with each other as well as with the mesivta bochurim.

After a while of chitchat among the bochurim, Rabbi Weinfeld got up to explain the peculiar event. “Bochurim are always asking me when will we have time to be able to just talk with one another? We can’t do it during seder, by meal breaks we have to eat, and after seder’s over, there’s Seder Sichos and then we must get to sleep to be up for seder the next morning?” “So” he answered, “tonight is your night, now is the time, we are having this se’uda with the primary intention of giving you boys a chance to socialize in a different setting. Yeah there will be niggunim, and Divrei Torah, for we know what it says about those who eat without Divrei Torah, but the main goal is to socialize as well as bond with the Mesivta boys.”

The bochurim were seated alongside their younger mesivta study partners as Rabbi Weinfeld continued: “Tonight is also Rosh Chodesh and the first Thursday night of the new Z’man. Tonight is also a good time for those bochurim which do not have chavrusos set up yet to find one.” Stressing the importance of reaching out to the younger boys, he went on to explain the great impact you can make on a person just by being there and caring. How it is possible to effect a complete turn around through motivation and encouragement. And how those effects continue not just to the end of this school year, rather how they continue on affecting his summer, and by default, if he has a good summer it will affect his coming year as well. After which everyone joined in song, singing the famous Hinei Ma Tov.

Rabbi Paltiel talking about the construction of the nearly completed new hall being used for the first time, as well as those involved followed the singing. “Just as this building was built from the top down, referring to the recently added basement, so too may be blessed from milmayla l’mata.” “People put their life and soul into this project, this beautiful new hall/dining room. There were many obstacles, as there always will be when referring to work done for the public.” “People tend to criticize” he continued, “they always have a piece of advice a new suggestion there…they know everything about anything aside from what they need to know. The people that put their life and blood into the public projects are never thanked, just bombarded with another excellent suggestion.”

He then related a story from the town of Lubavitch. “In those days where houses were made of wood and straw, fires causing massive destruction were not uncommon. The summer heat would dry the wood, and one mistake with a match could be the end of an entire block of houses.

After just such an occasion, the people got together to start rebuilding their homes. They were small simple homes built on foundations of logs chopped nearby, but hopefully would be ready to shelter them from the approaching deadly Russian winter. As the construction commenced people started noticing that the childless Reb Binyomin was setting up a foundation for a house the size of a mansion, especially considering the fact that he was childless his whole life. However being polite they didn’t comment. Winter approached quickly while the resident put the final touches on their homes. They quickly realized that Reb Binyomin didn’t just build a mansion, in size comparison it was closer to a palace for a family of just two, but they still held their tongues. Then Rosh Hashana arrived and to everyone’s astonishment Reb Binyomin posted a large sign outside his home reading: ‘Beis Keneses’, he had made his home into a shul! While everyone was worrying about their own shelter and safety, he was worrying about the community and their need for a shul. While the entire town built themselves homes, he had built a large shul!” and he ended “is the role of someone who works for the community, who puts aside himself to bring out such a project despite al the obstacles!” “The Rebbe wanted us all to be Oisek B’tzorchei Tzibur B’emuna, going on shlichus, building a Chabad house before your own house, while not getting paid, but as we finish off in the mishebairach on shabbos; HaShem will repay them and protect them.”

“Such devotion to a cause can only be done b’emuna, with faith. Avraham Avinu set the precedent for all of us. These workers don’t expect pay, they don’t even expect appreciation. The best possible way to thank such a person is to get up and do it yourself. Look around and provide a service that needs to be done. Gathering resources is hard, not being appreciated is even harder, but b’emuna it can and will be done”.

“Let us all learn from this room” he concluded, “To be more appreciative of those who selflessly work for the community, and not to criticize them.”

The meal was followed by a Farbrengen with Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson in honor of a students birthday.



    Looks Beutiful
    is this hall for rent for the public, or is it only for yeshiva use

  • informed

    I believe that when complete this hall will be for available for public use.

  • yossy

    i was there the hall is almost ready maybe 6 weeks or so left its a nice hall

  • impressed

    The Bochurim are very lucky to have as their head Rabbi Weinfeld he is very devoted to their gashmius as well as their ruchnious, he can be seen going to teh differant food stores in the neighborhood to make sure the guy’s have the best of everything.

    Chazak V;amatz



  • levi

    wow wow R’ minsky got his act together, im impressed finaly, the bochurim have where to eat

  • curious

    My brother learned in Chovei Torah 2 yrs ago and part of last year and he told me that they want the hall to be also rentable for community simchos

  • chaim

    this is a great thank you to rabbi minsky
    after many years finaly the yisheva has its
    own hall

  • LAer

    It’s so nice to see that the hanhala accomodates the boys requests. In other communities such a thing might be considered "bittul torah." This kind of care will only encourage the boys to grow in thier learning. I’m VERY impressed.

  • Hershy Hecht

    Message to Rabbi Weinfeld: Thanks for taking your time to finish off the construction. It was a safe haven to make phone calls in middle of SEDER!!!!!! ( a dark, cold, quite basment) YASHER KOACH!!!! May you use this facillity only for the good.

  • chaim yankel

    Ye I used to make phone calls from there!! great hide out and Rabbi Weinfeld never bothered checking there.