A Pictorial Walkthrough “Exodus”

The time machine upon arrival at its destination

The ‘Exodus’ is an audience participation reenactment of the story of the Jews exodus from Egypt to freedom in Israel . The show starts off with the audience in a time machine that brings us back through the ages to ‘Mitzrayim’. We witness the slave labor the Jews had been forced to do, and the scene of HaShem talking to Moshe through the ‘Sneh’ (The Burning Bush). We then move on into Pharaohs Palace where Pharoh after insisting on keeping the Jews as his slaves is struck by the ten plagues forcing him to change his mind. We then experience the feeling of ‘Yetzias Mitzrayim’ as we walk out through the Egyptian village, to then be blocked in between the Reed Sea, and the Egyptians. This is followed by Moshe splitting the sea, and leading the Jews throughthe desert on to ‘Matan Torah’ where in an amazing show of lights and sound we receive the Luchos (Tablets containing the ten commandements).

After all this the kids then enter a Model Matzoh Bakery where they bake matzos of their own!

A special thanks for this wonderful show goes to:

The Cast

Moses Eli Spalter
Pharaoh Shmuel Margolin
Avi Stein
Levi Elomrom Sternbach
Ramses (Royal Guard) Yosef Goodman
Zachlop (Royal Guard) Yanky Borenstein
The Sheep M.

The Crew

Director, A/V Tech
Gershon Emmer
Stage Manager Yehudah Lieblich
Asst. Stage Manager Chesky Edelman
Set Maintenace Naftali Hildesheim
Administration & Logistics Schneur Weingarten
Matzoh Bakery
Daniel Freundlich
Yisroel Turk

Creative Team

Director Gershon Emmer
Asst. Director Eli Spalter
Executive Producer JCM
Administrative Director Shmuel Margolin
Logistics Schneur Weingarten
Art Director Menachem Nagar
Graphics Mendy Margolin
Set Director Yehuda Lieblich
Set Production
Eliezer Piekarski
Mendy Horowitz
Press liason Zev Steinhauser
Sponsorship Chaim Benjaminson
Writing Avi Webb
Dovid Cohen
Moshe Zilberstein
Graphic Design Peretz Mockin
Yirmi Emmer
Hirshy Raskin
Video Editing
Yossi Margolin

Set Crew

Eli Abramowitz
Yanky Borenstein
Levi Cohen
Mendy Cohen
Chezky Edelman
Yirmi Emmer
Daniel Freundlich
Naftali Goldshmid
Yitzi Goldsobel
Eliezer Gurkov
Meir Gurkov
Yehudah Leib Hertz
Naftali Hildesheim
Peretz Lazaroff
Zalman “Lefty” Lefkowitz
Nosson Potash
Hirshy Raskin
Levi Silman
Yitzchok Smith
Yisroel Turk
Schneur Yaffee
Yitzchok Yarmush
Baruch Weingarten
Levi Weiss
Pesach Zirkind

Special Thanks

Yirmi Emmer
Rabbi Yerachmiel Benjaminson
Rabbi Sholom Ber Baumgarten
Gershon Eichorn
Rabbi Nissen Brenenson
Mendy Walach
Rob Questel
Richard Mensah
Jorge Castillo
Aliza Golambos
Mendel Nemenov
Chana Scheffer
Yifat Russ
Dovid Weinbaum
Deane Robinson
Ed Jackson
Theresa Seebrah

Suiting up to go back in time
The professor and his time machine
Jews being forced to work in Egypt
The burning bush
The book of G-D’s
Moshe demands of Paroh to let the Jews go
The first plague, Blood
The second plague, Frogs
The fifth plague, Animals
The seventh plague, Hail


  • shmuli

    great work!!
    Gershon, I’m glad to see you pulled it off. back to our orriginal conversation ‘if there is a will there is a way’. I wish I could have been part of it.
    May you and all your staff be blessed, as certainly the Rebbe is deriving much nachas from each one of you.
    Keep it up.

    Srulik, its good to see your name on that list. Keep it up.

  • the guy who didnt help

    gershon you rule! im still impressed you pulled it off…

    maybe next year i’ll actually help :-)

  • to a good samaritin

    to a good samaritin:

    what did shmuly g do to help this year?

    he did a great job last year and deserves full credit for that.

  • Levi W. Fam

    To our dear brother Levi, You worked long nights and days for this project and it’s a success!! Good work!!