Rachel Shapira – Mishpacha Magazine

Hundreds of pictures have circulated since the Gaza incursion began, but few have captured the hearts of the public as this photograph, showing a group of young yeshiva boys taking cover together with helmet-clad border police. What’s the story behind the picture?

So What is the Story Behind this Picture

Rachel Shapira – Mishpacha Magazine

Hundreds of pictures have circulated since the Gaza incursion began, but few have captured the hearts of the public as this photograph, showing a group of young yeshiva boys taking cover together with helmet-clad border police. What’s the story behind the picture?

Mishpacha magazine located the boys in the picture, and heard their story. The boys are Chabad yeshiva students who went to help soldiers put on tefillin at the Zikim army base. On the way, they met a group of border police guarding the route to Gaza, and offered them an opportunity to put on tefillin as well. All the policemen agreed, except for one holdout.

“Suddnely, we heard the ‘Code Red’ alert and ran for cover,” related one of the boys. “When it was over, we saw that the missile had landed just a few feet away, but a hill behind us took the brunt of the blast. You can see in the picture that one policeman’s arm still has the black straps wound around it.” On the scene was a photographer who dived for cover with the group, and was so shaken by the near miss that he also asked to lay tefillin. And in the end, the one defiant policeman who initially refused could no longer deny that a little extra help from Above wouldn’t hurt him either.


  • Rebbe-s Army on the front lines!

    Israel’s soldiers working together with the Rebbe’s soldiers on the front lines. Everyone doing their part. Yasher koach. In the zechus of the mivtzoyim and hachlatos tovos taking place around the world we should be zoche to MOSHIACH NOW!!!!!

  • Ashreinu

    Hashem’s brochos came to those bochurim and soldiers THROUGH the Rebbe, being that the bochurim were on the Rebbe’s Shlichus!

  • thank you Hashen for protecting Yiden

    hah! i love it ! the chasisdim arguing how the brachos came into the world just dance and be joyus that the brachas came and keep gowing in torah and mitzvot mechayil el choyil!

  • Jewish Princess

    The Rebbe provided the Tefillin campaign for us in advance of the ’67 War. Despite the amazing military advances this still remains our “best weapon.” Reaching one more yid and then another….Yasher Koach to all the shluchim, anash and bochurim who are on the front lines doing all they can to spread victory.