Revolutionary Educational Tool Launched. It took three thousand years! But, the truth is out! And now you can read it to your children, as well! And it's spreading fast! The powerful king is not so unstoppable. And the seemingly incapable man is actually a king! We are speaking about the two kings each of us has inside. The Bad King, is our selfish impulsive side, the yetzer hara. The Good King is our rationale, good side, the yetzer tov. But we all know that. Right?

It's not so simple. It took the author four years developing this latest book series for it to finally reach press. Two Kings is here and available now! Two Kings is being presented as a worldwide educational revolution evolving. It is being launched by Israel Book Shop a world s leading Jewish publisher based in Lakewood, N.J. And authored by Rabbi Fishel Jacobs ( a well-known Chabad rabbi and halachic author.

Two Kings Book Series Released

Revolutionary Educational Tool Launched. It took three thousand years! But, the truth is out! And now you can read it to your children, as well! And it’s spreading fast! The powerful king is not so unstoppable. And the seemingly incapable man is actually a king! We are speaking about the two kings each of us has inside. The Bad King, is our selfish impulsive side, the yetzer hara. The Good King is our rationale, good side, the yetzer tov. But we all know that. Right?

It’s not so simple. It took the author four years developing this latest book series for it to finally reach press. Two Kings is here and available now! Two Kings is being presented as a worldwide educational revolution evolving. It is being launched by Israel Book Shop a world s leading Jewish publisher based in Lakewood, N.J. And authored by Rabbi Fishel Jacobs ( a well-known Chabad rabbi and halachic author.

The Jewish book series features a young boy who is faced with a personal dilemma in performing something he needs to do. The Bad King and Good King, both depicted through heart-warming and beautiful colored pictures, each try to influence the lad. Tensions rise as they fight for control.

The concept is based in Keholet (9:14). The idea that the body is compared to a small city, over which two internal kings — the yetzer tov and the yetzer hara — fight for control forms the central theme of Tanya (Chapter 9).

However, the presentation here follows years of development. The writing needed to be simple, understandable to young ages, yet applicable to even adults. The graphics needed to depict things in a chasidic way. The Bad King would not be despicable, or essentially evil. It would be rough, but able to be educated and refined.

Rabbi Jacobs said, After years working with criminals inside the Israel Prison Service, I feel a real mission in presenting this series. Almost all of my criminals had one single character trait in common. They all thought their own impulses, what they wanted was ultimately more important than the well-being of their fellow man. The Two Kings series teaches us to always weigh our impulses against our rationale side. I believe people s lives will be enhanced by this educational series. And that is my reason for writing it.
More on the conceptual basis of the book series, installment two is going to press in a few weeks, can be seen at: (search: Two Kings Book Series).

The official site is: .

A full range of educational items, games, DVDs and posters are in production.

The leading producer of web-safe study material for the U.S. school system, ( , a Florida based company) has committed to promoting the Two Kings as one of its learning icons the minute production of the mainstream version is ready.

Initial reviews worldwide have been overwhelming. We are encouraging an ash to get copies of the first book while the first printing lasts. Available through finest book stores, or directly from the publisher: www.IsraelBookShopPublications


  • Doc

    I’ve purchased a copy of “The Two Kings” and it’s fantastic! Everyone that I’ve shown it to has loved it too.

    Rabbi Jacobs does a great job of taking essential points in Chassidus and making them accessible to us and our children.

  • Rabbi Fishel Jacobs


    Thank you for posting this wonderful article. As usual, we wish you well, and health continuing to report and inform an”ash of important events.

    The public’s response to Two Kings has been overwhelming. Thank G-d. We feel the series, the tie-ins, and the concept can make a real change in people’s lives. And the world.

    Installment two is expected to hit the stores, with Hashem’s help, by Purim.

    The first printing of the first installment is going fast. We encourage an”ash to get copies while it lasts.


    Rabbi Jacobs