Is this the answer? What does this have to do with Chabad?

The “Orange Youth Brigade” in training, from the Ynet article.

Youths calling themselves “Orange Youth Brigade” are busy training in self-defense, explaining they will not permit a reoccurrence of the Gaza or Amona expulsions, especially the brutality directed against youths in Amona.

The directors of the program, including a former IDF self-defense and hand-to-hand combat instructor, explained their training is strictly self-defense. Training includes defending oneself against a threat riding horseback, preparing for mounted police as well.

Teens Training to Defend Themselves Against Police


Is this the answer? What does this have to do with Chabad?

The “Orange Youth Brigade” in training, from the Ynet article.

Youths calling themselves “Orange Youth Brigade” are busy training in self-defense, explaining they will not permit a reoccurrence of the Gaza or Amona expulsions, especially the brutality directed against youths in Amona.

The directors of the program, including a former IDF self-defense and hand-to-hand combat instructor, explained their training is strictly self-defense. Training includes defending oneself against a threat riding horseback, preparing for mounted police as well.

When asked how they would react to a police effort to remove them from areas of Israel, one director responded that no one will ever forcibly remove them from their homes again and if provoked or attacked, they will defend themselves.

An Israel Television news report stated the involved persons are affiliated with the outlawed followers of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane and a fringe extreme element of the Chabad hassidic sect. [?!?!]

The story as coverd by Ynet


  • chabad

    Well there WERE alot of chabad bochurim in gush katif by the expulsion, and chabad holds by the torah which fobids the "returning" of jewish land to the arabs. It therefore makes sense for the media to stick this to chabad as well.

  • orange youth

    and if is chabad so what? it’s better then doing nothing;
    if chabad dont bring mashiach…

  • MFH

    since when does chabad engage in civil wars? this is a civil war between the settlers and the army, between right and left, and chabad is a religious group which doesn’t recognize their cause.

    WHERE IN CHASSIDUS CHABAD can i find a source for the settler’s views?

    chabad’s sole opinion on the matter is to prevent giving away land – through diplomatic processes – in order to save jewish lives. but arguing with the soldiers shows the vulnerability of the jewish nation – not really something that would save too much lives.

    א בושה און חרפה

  • Crown Heightser-

    What does this have to do with Chabad?
    well, check out this same story covered by Ynet-News (Ye[I]diot Acharonot in english), where they show a picture of this training, and you CLEARLY see a bunch of ‘Lubavitcher’ Bochrim (with ‘Yechi Yarmulkas’) "training" for self defense against mounted police officers Etc….
    BUT, they did NOT mention anything about Lubavitch(thank G-d for that).
    What they DID say, was that this training was organized by R’ Sholom D. Volpa……(I’m holding myself back from writing some political statements-so as not to start a cat-fight in the comment section). So hope the above answered your question.
    P.S. Here is the link to the story:

  • Aaron

    "Orange Brigades" Hah!

    I think Everyone should learn self defense not just some kids who want to defend themselves against police.

  • The EAR

    "if chabad dont bring mashiach"

    I beg ur pardon ORANGE YOUTH? its not only up to chabad to bring moshiach!!!!!!! moshiach is said to come when all jews are united if not physically than by their actions and what chabad is trying to do is amek all the jews who dont know it at least slightly aware of it! but its not only up to hcabad and chabad is not the only one that believes in moshiach!!! its one of the yud gimmel ikrei emunah and in case u dont know what that is considering how u think its only up to chabad to bring moshiach, it is 13 things that a jew is expected to believe. it was written by a non lubavitcher. i believe it was the rambam. u follow his rules dont u? if not his then i sure hope u follow G-d’s…..

  • yanky

    look at the kippas of some of those in the pic, u can clearly see "yechi" on at least 3 of them!


    GUYS GUYS GUYS, Come on it’s enough already! I understand that evreybody is tikt off, But that dosint give us the right to start a politicle debate! Just think of it, would all this thats going on, would this put a smile on the Rebbes face? If i remmeber correctley, Correct me if i’m wrong, But the Rebbe was never happy, Just the oposite it `hurt` the Rebbe, When people fought,
    (fisically or verbally). And allso whenever there was a war in eretz hakodesh the Rebbe NEVER told bochurim to go out and fight, But that they should stay in yeshivah and learn B’schus am yisroel, Am i wrong? well i’l leave it up to you, just please THINK before you ‘say’ or ‘do’ anything. all the best, And i hope this is the last time such a terrible thing like this happens again!!! AD MOSAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • What?

    To yanky: what does that have to do with tea in china??

    There’s nothing wrong with these boys learning to defend themselves for our land. (I don’t want to sound skeptical, but I don’t know how much it will help against armed police officers).

  • Yechi-nik

    To Crown Heightser,

    What does a Yechi yarmulka have to do with being Chabad. Where is Chasidus Chabad is there anything about wearing a Yechi yarmulka.

  • Concerned Lubavitcher

    The "Orange Brigades" is arranged by a Bochur in the name of Yoni Kahane, he is a Bochur who learned in a Lubavitcher Yeshiva until the age of 17 and then dropped out to form a institution called "Mateh Mashiach" of Netanya, a institution which fights with the Shluchim in Netanya (The Official Shluchim are Meshichistn!). The "Orange Brigades" are officially part of the מטה להצלת העם והארץ – The Organization of שד Wolpe & Kutty Rapp. Wolpe takes the responisibility and Rapp raises the money in CH. Most of the people on the picture are drop-outs from Lubavitcher Families in Netanya which hang around this Yoni Kahane.

  • Israeli Soldier (Chabadnick)

    I think someone need to take a hold of theys kids and all the youths of Chabad theys days and explain to them how Chabad gets involved. not by showing up at Gush & Amona and throwing stones and hitting other jews. i dont care who is right or wrong fact is the ppl on the otehr side arent arabs(yemach shemam) their jews like you and me and i think that theise kids are giving Chabad a very bad name. i was appaled when i walked into a yeshiva dorm room and saw a bachur with a certificet congratulating him on being a "fighter" at Gush. is this what Chabad promots. I highly doubt the Rebbe would allow whats going on to stand in Chabad. you want to take action join the army (not the best idea but if it makes you feel like your making a stand then ok) or better yet stay in yeshiva learn something lezchus i promiss you your tehilim and learning does more then your screaming at a wall at demonstraisions. at the end of the day its the shluchim and the ppl who find themselvs around the word that have to answer to theys action. Think about it… (comments are more then welcome via email…)

  • United

    While everyone has their opinion, we’re all convinced that our opinion is ‘the’ right one.
    Engaging in controversy will only incite a greater argument & perhaps hatred… Resulting in a delay of the one we’re all pursuing. Moshiach

    Focusing on our similarities, on the other hand, will bring him much quicker.

  • Sara

    This has nothing to do with Habad or Mashiach!!
    This has to do weith the fact that the land of Israel was given to the JEWS!! Yes, the Rambam is followed in the belief of Mashiach but….. fighting for OUR land isn’t a Habad thing.
    It’s just a shame that they are the only religious voices raised besides the Settlers themselves.

  • Sara

    To Spijker:
    Don’t forget the proverb which states:
    Shtika Kehodaah! When you remain silent, it’s a sign of agreement!!
    It may not have the effect we want, but voices will be heard!!

  • gush katif and shomron and ammona foreve

    an answer to all of u……….these police officers who came to gush katif and ammona are trained to inflict maximum pain without any marks. the horeses and night sticks did r"l make many injuries and a very very bloody battle. but the chabad soldier is right-ur screaming "yehudi lo megaresh yehudi" is not going to do so much as even bring a soldier to tears. thats the most- in extreme cases but these officers were taught to hate these extremist settlers. saying tehillim will doo much much more than going out to fight/’defend’ oneself
    learn the sichos of the rebbe to find out what the Rebbe has to say abt this.

    AD MOSAi?????

  • Israeli Soldier (Chabadnick)

    TO: Gush katif….

    Your right in the sence saying that the police and soldiers are traind to inflict maximum pain, however you are wrong when you say to whome they are traind to use it on. if there wouldnt be a mob of jewish boys they wouldnt have to you the training they where taught to use AGAINTS ARABS not jews. and are far as what you said abt not bringing soldiers to tears there are soldiers that commited suicide after they did what they HAD to do in Gush. soldiers where doing it crying their hearts out. a soldiers has no opinion other one of their commander all the way up the chian. the army does strip feeling from your hearts and minds however as jews we still feel for our brothers and that is something no one can take away. to everyone who is saying yes but were not allowed to give away land your %1000 percet right however fighting isnt going to get it back we need to do more mivtzoim more campians to show Israel and the world the truth of Torah and Hashem. and the Truth in "moshe avdoy" the Rebbe.

  • Zevik

    Don`t u remember Yankev Avinu conducting in his very dangerous situation : he prepare himself and his men in three directions : for the fight, for the gift (present) and for pray !!! So that the time that every one must DO all he can in that Yankev Avinu conducting -one is on learning, and who don`t have "an tuches"-in the mivzoim, but one who can do more then mivzoim and can partisipate in the "Orange Brigades" and has influence on them- YASHER COACH TO ALL THOSE DEFENDING THE LAND OF ISRAEL !!!
    And we have to say EMES : only chabad must prepare the world and bring mashiach… So if meanwhile we an such terrible situation – it’s better then doing nothing!!!