Iowa Independent

Since the news broke that former Agriprocessors CEO Sholom Rubashkin has been arrested by federal officials for allegedly conspiring to hire undocumented workers for financial gain. Since Election Day is only days away, the story is likely to have a political impact.

So who’s the big winner from all of this?

Videos in the Extende Article.

VIDEO: Politicians Political Gain from Rubashkins Arrest

Iowa Independent

Since the news broke that former Agriprocessors CEO Sholom Rubashkin has been arrested by federal officials for allegedly conspiring to hire undocumented workers for financial gain. Since Election Day is only days away, the story is likely to have a political impact.

So who’s the big winner from all of this?

Videos in the Extende Article.

My first instinct is to say that this helps Democratic candidates for the Iowa House, who have been proposing to “protect our jobs by cracking down on CEOs who hire illegal immigrants” in television ads, mailings, and other communications for some time.

That these were federal charges and not state charges is unlikely to matter. Iowans will wake up tomorrow to newspapers that say a CEO has been ‘cracked down on,’ and Democrats’ television ads will begin to resonate even more.

Here are ads from two candidates for Iowa House — Larry Marek and John Beard — that both use the ‘cracking down on CEOs’ line at about the 25-second mark:


  • we want moshiach now

    looks like soviet union is in america now.

    joe the plumber is being investigated for child support

    because he disagree with OBAMA.

    rubashkin is arrested for giving a personal load of $4500

    to an employee .
    is this america ?

    we want moshiach now

  • Akiva

    Yes, this is America, and it’s worse in Israel. We’re in the time when the servants of Hashem will be despised (again).

    All the more reason to make sure you’re operating like a chossid, above the letter of the law.

  • Policeman

    A smart business owner knows to support politicians from both parties. You never know whose help you will need, or who will be in power tomorrow. Donate to democrats and republicans. The Rubashkins miscalculated, and only supported republicans.