Fire Destroys Families Apartment

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — At around 1:40pm today, Sunday, a fire ripped through an apartment of family who barely escaped the flames. The incident happened at 770 Lefferts Avenue, a large and relatively new building complex which houses close to 60 families.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

The family had just moved in to their new 4th floor apartment and they were moving boxes around when the fire broke out forcing the family along with their few young children to flee the inferno, without shoes or even properly dressed.

FDNY’s response time was amazing; the initial call indicated that there were people trapped on the fourth floor which prompted a heave response with special rescue units but thank g-d that was not the case.

The fire was placed under control soon after they arrived on scene, but the fire dealt a devastated blow to the family, leaving them without much. One firefighter sustained burns to his hand from the intense heat of the fire.

FDNY Deputy Chief Butler told that due to the fact that the building is a cement building it retains the heat making it much more difficult for firefighters to get to the fire without putting themselves in danger.

Hatzalah responded and were on standby in case C”V their services were needed, instead they took care of the children and gave them toys to keep themselves busy with. A few Shomrim members pitched in and got shoes for the kids.

Rabbi Avrohom Leider of Ahavas Chesed provided the family a place in his home to stay until they got their affairs in order. would like to salute FDNY for their courage, to run into a burning building while everyone else is running out, in the face of all danger. Hatazlah for always being available to help in any situation. Shomrim for their tireless work in protecting our neighborhood at all hours of the day. And to Rabbi Avrohom Leider who spares no effort when it comes to helping someone.

In case of an emergency never hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7

A Shomrim member handing the little girl a pair or new ‘Crocs’ after her family had to flee the fire without any time to get her own on. (Faces of the victims blurred to protect their privacy)

A Shomrim member handing the children who’s apartment went up in flames snacks to nosh on. (Faces of the victims blurred to protect their privacy)


  • Shocked

    What caused a brand new apartment in a cement building to burst into flames while the owners were home???

  • Rosey

    Yashaar Koach to Rabbi Leider and everyone who has helped and is helping this wonderful family who has moved twice in two weeks. Now that they have lost much of their possesions let us do Ahavas Yisroel at this auspicious time
    Erev Tsha B’Av and send a donation to
    Ahavas Chessed for this family to be able to get back on their feet.

    May we only hear B’soras Tovas for all
    Klal Yisroel

  • I was touched

    I was there today and Thank G-d no one was injured. There was a fantastic response from all the emergency departments. While watching the scene unfold I was very touched when a member of Hatzolah gave each child a toy, later on I was equally impressed when a Shomrim member gave the children new shoes. We need more good people like this in Crown Heights. These are the people that make a difference to the community.

  • neighbor

    A number of other apts. had smoke & water damage. B“H no one was hurt.

    EVERYONE…get insurance!!

    I don’t understand why frum people are so often underinsured. Hashem wants us all to be safe & protected, so we put up Mezuzahs. But accidents do happen & we need to be able to fix things when they do.

    B”H for kind people like the Lieders.

  • conc

    if they would tell the sizes of the family, then we could all donate whatever nice clothing we have to them. Just tell us the sizes (boy or girl, male sizes and woman’s sizes) and where to bring it?

  • Can we help

    This poor family. B”H they were safe. Is there any information as to where people can donate items to the family, or what they need in particular?

  • In Crown Heights

    I would like to help out, possibly with some clothing for the kids . . . if anyone can post some kind of contact information, that would be helpful, thanks.

  • out-of-towner

    yasher koach to r’ leider, he seized the moment and took action! no bureaucratic pussyfooting. crown heights needs more of that.

    may G-d bless the family with riches, b’gashmius u’b’ruchnius.

  • A proud resident

    Kol yisroel araivim ze lezeh ,Its amazing to see community members pitchcin tohelp each other out in a time of need.Yasher koach to shomrim ,hatzala and the ever dedicated rabbi lieder for all theri efforts.

  • Fed Up!

    I hope they are insured and the Almighty should bless them as per ‘noch a sraifah vert men reich!

  • Chana

    The boy’s age is 5, girls ages are 4, 3 and 1. I’m sure they would appreciate all the help they get. B”H they are well, what a ness!

  • Jewish Lightning

    Thank g-d nobody was hurt.Property can always be rebuilt.Thankyou to the fire department for a good job!

  • I wanna help!

    Please post an address where we can drop off clothes. I’m sure we can all find at least one outfit (in good condition) in our kid’s closets that we can spare to help a fellow Yid.

  • Just Moved Too

    B”H, the family is safe. Please let us know where we can send donations.

  • The Family

    Going through a devastating tragedy like this has been indescribable. However, equally amazing has been the response and caring of the community and warm posting on this site. It’s given us chizuk reading your messages. We are tremendously grateful to Hashem for being alive. At this time, as we try to pick up the pieces of our life, all relief and assistance efforts are being coordinated by Rabbi Lieder and the Ahavas Chesed staff. The Fire Fund was established to help us get back on our feet after this total devastation. The initial response of the community has been an amazing demonstration of ahavas yisroel, and heartwarming to see has we experience Tisha B’Av. Please help us rebuild our own personal churban with your ahavas chinam. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and desperately needed. For information or to send donations, please contact Ahavas Chesed at 718-221-2424.

  • contact infomation for Ahavas Chesed

    Ahavas Chesed
    720 Lefferts Ave
    Brooklyn, NY 11203
    (718) 221-2424

  • BS D...With gratitude...

    B”H a million times for saving this wonderful family. We are moved to tears at His kindness, and by all of you who are showing such Chesed and caring. We are so grateful to the FDNY, Hatzolah, Shomrim, and especialy Rabbi Leider for all your help. And, to all of you offering to help with clothing and donations, details will be posted as soon as possible. You are an amazing community and very much appreciated for all you are doing to help the family.

  • Another Family....

    Someone mentioned it briefly above, but I wanted to stress this point:
    I do not know if the affected family had insurance, or if they simply hadn’t gotten it yet since they were in the process of moving in (although if they had it at their previous home, a simply phone call would transfer it to the new apartment.)
    When we got married 8 years ago, my father informed me – and insisted – about renters insurance. I was surprised to see it only cost $200 dollars for a year. (We went to Avremi Kievman in CH.)
    When we moved out on Shlichus, a phone call moved our insurance with us. Less than a year later, our entire apartment building burned to the ground (B“H we were not in at the time). Our insurance paid out over $30,000, and it would have been more if we got a higher coverage.
    A larger apartment might cost $300 dollars for the year, but I would still urge EVERYONE to get it.
    Case in point – of the 10 families who lost everything in our fire, only ourselves and one other had insurance.
    Insurance would also help those who suffered from water or smoke damage in this tragedy.
    However, we are still ”waiting” for the brocha of riches…. :)

  • Baruch HaShem

    I heard Rabbi Lider of Ahavas Chesed is working with this family. If you would like to help them, you can send in your contributions to his office. Call 718-221-2424 for more info

  • etty

    i know the family they just moved in i feel very bad but boruch Hashem no one got hurt! it is nice that everyone wants to help but if they blured there picture obviosly thay dont want anyone to know who they are

  • smile4adime

    this is crazy. i live in the buidling next to it and didn’t even know about this. that’s sad.

  • CHRealiist

    "And to Rabbi Avrohom Leider who spares no effort when it comes to helping someone."

    As long as he gets a check afterward.