Photo Gallery: 7-Alarm Fire on New York Avenue

A seven-alarm fire broke out in a seven-story apartment building on New York Avenue in Crown Heights, after it was reportedly struck by lightning. Read the full article here.


  • Not-gawping stranger

    Why oh why must you show pictures that portay the distress of others?

    My mother a”h always taught us that if you can’t help, keep away and stop staring. You wouldn’t like it if it were you on your way to a hospital and had to cope with gawping strangers looking at you, in addition to the pain and upset!

  • thank you NYC fireman

    thank you to the best fire man around, blessing to you for protection always…

  • Mendal Fitzhume

    Thank you to our Firefighters who risked their lives for strangers on this hot / humid day. They wear such heavy equipment, it takes remarkable people to do the job of a Firefighter! May they always be safe.