Car Fire in the Back Yard of a Home

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – Thick smoke and the acrid smell of burning plastic and rubber filled Crown Street between New York and Nostrand Avenue at around 6:45pm. Firefighters responded to the rear of 309 Crown Street, the home of a Jewish family, where an abandoned car was ablaze.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

After a short 15 minutes the firefighters had put the fire out. Firefighters on scene said that the fire appeared to be suspicious and will need to be investigated. There was no damage to the surrounding property.


  • dee

    oh, great to see that they actually do use the fire hydrants! i thought they just put them around the city for increase the city’s income!


    Stupid people who park in front of hydrants can cause the death of others including our FDNY Firemen who risk everything to help us all! Don’t be selfish … think before you park your car.