Colel Central Yud Tes Kislev Central Farbrengen
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – The central Farbrengen took place in the Kollel where Anash and Bochurim packed in to Farbreng with Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky, Rabbi Moshe Kotlasky, Rabbi Zev Katz and a special guest Rabbi Moshe Walberg.
More pictures in the Extended Article! (34 Pictures)

Thanks to reb mendy kotlarsky and noach fox for organizing the farby Lishem ultiferes
Mordy, It seems that there are pictures of you everywhere I turn. First I see your impressive insurance sign on kingston and carrol and now your at a Yud-Tes kislev farbrengen. All the best
and to harav hachosid red chesky wolf for MC!!!
GO RAFI!!!!!!!
YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!