Opening the Yud Tais Kislev Celebrations around the Globe
BONDI, Australia [CHI] — As the first to open the Yud Tais Kislev celebrations around the globe, The Yeshiva Center, Headquarters of Chabad Lubavitch in N.S.W. Australia hosted over 300 Men, woman and children to a full course meal.
Morep pictures in the Extended Article!
Menahel of the Yeshiva and Smicha Program and MC for the evening Rabbi Yosef Y. Feldman inspirred the crowd with a few words, HaRav GaGaon Rabbi Mendel Feldman one of the oldest Chabad Rabbi’s gave some heart touching words and Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie of North County Chabad, CA was the Keynote Speaker.
A segment from the new Jem Video “Seeds” was shown, Nigunim were sung including the Alter Rebbe’s nigun, lot’s of L’Chaim and some very wild and enthusiastic dancing by the Israeli bochurim and their “admirers” the Israeli backpackers from the Chabad house.
All were very inspired, especially after being reminded by Rabbi Elimelech Levy, the organizer of the evening and the head of Tzach, Lubavitch Youth organization and Director of Outreach in Sydney, about the very special Car Menorah parade and the many public Menorah lightings throughout Sydney and Australia, all promised to lend a hand and take an active part in lighting up “Down Under” with the light of Torah, Chassidus and Chanukah.

300 people
300 People? I was personally there — 125 people max as clearly seen in the photos. Webby — Please be more accurate.
hey good to you, yaakov harkam. lokos like ur having fun.
Yes 300 People
i WAS there to and there actually was 300 PEOPLE anyway what diffrence does it make how many people are at a farbreingen